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Not blue pill.. but laughter's best medicine


Alfrescian (Inf)


Bart van Leeuwen
19 June 2024

Kim Putin Summit​

Russia's Putin and North Korea's Kim sign mutual defence pact.


Alfrescian (Inf)


Deb Milbrath
23 June 2024

One IS NOT like the other...MILWAUKEE​

Once again FELON/RAPIST-trump said something stupid.... MILWAUKEE IS A HORRIBLE CITY. Why is this significant??? 1--Milwaukee is where the republicans ARE HOLDING THEIR 2024 CONVENTION (can't wait to see that welcome at the airport). 2--Milwaukee is in a very very important MUST WIN swing state of Wisconsin 3--Milwaukee is an urban city and has a large BLACK population... showing a little racism Don??? Natch the spin immediately started...trump was talking about "crime" (crime numbers are down) ...trump was talking about rampant voter fraud (there was none in 2020) ..... some even said TRUMP NEVER SAID THAT (roll tape). So this is more of the same from trump.... bluster and ignorance and hate.