A debate over the Brexit vote
Mr Leave: If God had wanted Britain to be part of Europe, he wouldn’t have created the English Channel.
Mr Stay: If he'd been serious, he wouldn't have made it so narrow. Nor would he have permitted the Chunnel.
Mr Leave: I predict that the brave British people will follow their patriotic and independent instincts and vote to leave.
Mr Stay: I predict that the prudent British people will note the economic benefits and vote to stay.
Mr Leave: No, their bold hearts will embrace the noble ideals of independence and self-sufficiency.
Mr Stay: Ha! Their smart brains will overrule their bold hearts and make them listen to the ignoble demands of their wallets.
And where their wallets lead, their votes will follow. They are, after all, a nation of shopkeepers.
Self-interest will prevail over airy idealism. Just watch.
Ye Olde Curmudgeon