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No surrender! Till. The last malay standing!

syed putra


I’m A M’sian Malay Who Studied At A Chinese School & Now Teaches Mandarin To Others​

"We're one big family, and learning other languages pulls us closer together."
Sarah Yeoh
Sarah YeohOctober 27, 2024

I'm a m'sian malay who studied at a chinese school & now teaches mandarin to others | weirdkaya

Exclusive Story by WeirdKaya – Reproduction requires proper crediting and backlink to us. Kindly acknowledge the efforts of our editors in sourcing and conducting interviews.
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In Malaysia, one of the country’s unique aspects is its citizens’ ability to speak multiple languages such as Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, and various dialects.​

However, there are only a handful of Malaysians who have taken an interest to not only learn a language that isn’t their mother tongue, but teach it to others as well.