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Thanks for the pic. Nicole looks like auntie and he looks like nephew LOL
He looks more "old uncle" me thinks
Thanks for the pic. Nicole looks like auntie and he looks like nephew LOL
CCB GMS, sabo TKL oredi still dare to come here and KONG LANJIAO WEI....knn, GMS, so far wat have u achieved? Tell us lah...KNNBPCB chow tuabui chee....let me list down his failures:
1. computer retail biz - FAIL
2. WP election - FAIL
3. Want form new party - NATO
4. Want to have a MP training course - NATO
5. NSP election - FAIL
6. Help TKL in PE - FAIL
7. Marriage - FAIL
8. Career wise - ZERO
GMS was successful in Macau - Macaugate.
Macau Gate Keeper, LOLWhat was Macaugate
nobody will remember his minibond adventure and standing up at hong lim on behalf of a group of angry bank-preferred customers who got played out by their personal RM who cater to those clientele with only 100K deposit and above.
Dear Thick
Does anyone believe that Belmont acted on his own without any inspiration from Miss NS ? Most of us are just trying to forget a bad PE with a lamentable result for the 65%, she seems insistent on defending her chosen hero to the death, like some emo women suffering regrets about buying a product which went bad but being unable to admit she is wrong and doubling the bet on the wrong decision.
I would have thought she would have run as far away from TJS as possible in view of his dismal polling and his total lack of ability to build political bridges and no's. All I can say is that on counting nite a TJS supporter and agent from GE to PE looked surprised when I rebutted him by telling him that TJS could not return to opposition politics after the PE. I can only hope that TJS supporters are all not suffering from the same collective inability to use their frakking head
well that opportunist twit TKL threw the first 'punch' wif his shocking "lows" revelations just 2 days before the polls...saying that 2 wrongs dont make a right...but i am all for sticking it to TKL becoz even after the poll results he still has to go on another 'survey' to find out what went wrong??!!...
While I don't think very much or highly of TKL and have not held back in criticising him previously, this stomping on, kicking and trampling of a man when he is down is gutter conduct and uncivilised behaviour.
I think that is the only way to prove that he has balls of steel. Any coward can kick a broken man when he is down and out. It does not require courage or balls of steel to do so.
wonder whether hv u read TKL's latest drivel invoking "natural justice" as his 'sword' for blaming TJS?!...
No, not yet. But that would suggest he has already recovered. Very healthy and strong man, this Tan Kin Lian.
To conclude, I would like to leave everyone with the following quote from Marilyn Vos Savant -
“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.”
I have not given up.
I was one of the first few to praise NS after her maiden performance. However, after her apology on behalf of the old man, I became suspicious. A novice doing such an act is marvelous and to do it in Malay is incredulous. Then come the crying scene. I dismissed all these as over suspicion.
When she came out to support the sotong, I could see no link nor reason. Even if the purpose is genuinely for the good of opposition, it only shows poor judgement because they will never win without attempting to win over the moderates.
I hope she has been doing all these because she is naive and not for other reasons. However, with this new development cum the fact that she is from NSP after failing to "stay" in RP, it appears otherwise. For those who has been observing long enough, you may know why.