Professor Donald Low, wrote: “I was never a fan of Roy Ngerng’s writing but I feel that the punishment meted out to him is over the top: not just the financial penalty, but also the fact that he can no longer make a living in Sg. And to have to pay nearly half his salary for the next decade is manifestly unjust.”
Prof Low added, “I hope we can all contribute a little to his fundraising effort even if we don’t agree with, or like, his writings. The message we’re sending when we contribute is not that we agree with him, but that we disagree with what he’s been subjected to more.”
If you would like to support Mr Ngerng’s fundraising, you can donate to:
- POSB Savings Account Number (Singapore) – 130-23068-7 (Ngerng Yi Ling)
- PayNow (Singapore): S8113784F
- PayPal – [email protected]
- E.Sun Bank(玉W銀行) Bank Code 銀行代碼: 808 (Taiwan) – Account Number 存戶帳號: 0886-968-170270