• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

New Singapore Favourite Coffee Shop Talks


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The forum become a leongsam punching bag and would he be so idiot to setup alternative to bash himself up?

Huh? Aren't you aware that the internet is the perfect place to quarrel with yourself???:p People used to do it all the time in soc.culture.singapore.

There was one guy who had 3 nicks and he used to spend the old day fucking himself in order to try to set the record for longest flame war.

In fact, the thread is still archived. :biggrin:



What is your mother's name? Of course I don't expect you to divulge it here but supposing your Mum is Madam "XYZ", how would you like it if you log on to sammyboy and see your mum's name in the sentence "I hope Madam XYZ die of cancer and rot in hell as quickly as possible":eek: I ask you how would you feel?

If you had an affair some time in your past, how would you like the whole story posted here with all the details revealed by a ghost who hides his real identity. He knows you... you don't know him. :mad:

Unfortunately these figures are some how associated with the dirty world of politics, be it whether they are directly involved or related in some way...so it would only be natural that all dirt that can dished out will be thrown at them...


I'll give you an analogy. Which do you prefer.. private landed property on an HDB pigeon hole?

With the pigeon hole, you don't own it, the govt controls how you use it and who you can sell it too. Your renovation options are restricted at the end of the lease, they take it back.

With a private landed property, it's yours. You can knock down and rebuild the whole damned place.. paint it whatever colour you want and rent it out on your terms.

Delphi forum = HDB. Your own server with your own forum software = Landed property.

We are not rich as you are who can afford to buy landed properties although renting a HDB now is not going to burn our pocket. Unsubstantial Rumours suggesting that you are paid a million by PAP to close delphi forum and your sex forum is your cashcow and going by the stats, looks like another cashcow in the making here. How about brothers who supported and help you build this forums are you going to reward them by sharing your profits?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
How about brothers who supported and help you build this forums are you going to reward them by sharing your profits?

In business, before one can share any profits, it is only right that they first share the losses and take on a portion of the risks.

You want to put your money where your mouth is? If you do, I'll give you my paypal account and you give me yours.

My overall expenses for the first year will be in the region of USD4000. The banner covers 6 months of hosting but there is no guarantee. They could pull the plug if click throughs are not up to expectations. I also need to spend USD180 tomorrow on chat software and a technical service fee of USD80 per hour to assist in the installation if things do not work properly and I can't figure it out.

If bros want to share my profits, don't you agree that they first have to share my losses and my overheads?


In business, before one can share any profits, it is only right that they first share the losses and take on a portion of the risks.

You want to put your money where your mouth is? If you do, I'll give you my paypal account and you give me yours.

My overall expenses for the first year will be in the region of USD4000. The banner covers 6 months of hosting but there is no guarantee. They could pull the plug if click throughs are not up to expectations. I also need to spend USD180 tomorrow on chat software and a technical service fee of USD80 per hour to assist in the installation if things do not work properly and I can't figure it out.

If bros want to share my profits, don't you agree that they first have to share my losses and my overheads?

Agreed. However, you must be transparent with your account and needs to get into the details.

Ok, count me in. PM you my details.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
In business, before one can share any profits, it is only right that they first share the losses and take on a portion of the risks.

You want to put your money where your mouth is? If you do, I'll give you my paypal account and you give me yours.

My overall expenses for the first year will be in the region of USD4000. The banner covers 6 months of hosting but there is no guarantee. They could pull the plug if click throughs are not up to expectations. I also need to spend USD180 tomorrow on chat software and a technical service fee of USD80 per hour to assist in the installation if things do not work properly and I can't figure it out.

If bros want to share my profits, don't you agree that they first have to share my losses and my overheads?

You can put a donate link on top of the forum to allow bros here to donate to the forum.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
You can put a donate link on top of the forum to allow bros here to donate to the forum.

I'd do that if I wasn't hunting for advertisers. It would only be appropriate if this site was run along the same lines as Wiki where the whole operation revolves around donations and volunteers.


maybe the park is full of gangsters, glue-sniffer, drug peddlers so the owner thinks it is bad for the ah peks and young kids and decided to close the park. Inconvienience is always our lifestyle, when did Papiess make our life easier with a lot of convenients?:rolleyes:

Ah... when you have a popular park, you will always get some of these scums doing drugs, pimping around etc. It's unavoidable. It's the same, if Sam's new site gets more popular, you will still get these guys to come to.


Brother, You are like online 24 hours a day posting in all 6 forums. How do you managed? Anyway, hope to see you posting there than here. Sorry leongsam.

That's why I damn sian... And posting here I got to watch my lang or otherwise I will kena yellow card again. See? This is the main problem I have with Sam's new forum. In the rest of Delphi forums, I can KPKB and use 'F' word and no one will give me yellow or orange card... :smile:


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
That's why I damn sian... And posting here I got to watch my lang or otherwise I will kena yellow card again. See? This is the main problem I have with Sam's new forum. In the rest of Delphi forums, I can KPKB and use 'F' word and no one will give me yellow or orange card... :smile:

Then this place is not targeted for you. you should stay over at delphi.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Then this place is not targeted for you. you should stay over at delphi.

That's why I damn sian... And posting here I got to watch my lang or otherwise I will kena yellow card again. See? This is the main problem I have with Sam's new forum. In the rest of Delphi forums, I can KPKB and use 'F' word and no one will give me yellow or orange card... :smile:

I actually find it amazing that the threat of a yellow card (warning but no points) or a red card (2 to 3 points per infraction) actually evokes any fear in the first place.

The worst that can happen is a 24 hour ban after 12 demerit points.

The easiest way to counter this is to have a standby account to use during the ban period. Once the 24 hours have passed, your primary account is up and running again.

Surely the forum host does not have to teach people how to suck eggs!:biggrin:


The easiest way to counter this is to have a standby account to use during the ban period. Once the 24 hours have passed, your primary account is up and running again.

Surely the forum host does not have to teach people how to suck eggs!:biggrin:

Don't u see it's so laychay? Why dont u just do without the infraction thing like Delphi?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Don't u see it's so laychay? Why dont u just do without the infraction thing like Delphi?

I like these sorts of funky features. It brings out the best and the worst in people. :biggrin:

In the other forum, reputation points almost caused murders in real life. Initially, members could see who deducted their points and one was threatened with physical violence and even death if he dared to show up at a certain Geylang coffee shop. I enjoyed the whole episode immensely from the safety of my keyboard of course. :p

However, not wanting some poor woman to end up as a widow because of my reputation system, I modified the feature so that point deductions and additions became anonymous.

Hopefully, the red/yellow card system here will not provoke such drastic reactions as points expire and so do bans. Let's see how it goes.

If you want to play safe, I suggest you stick to the Delphi format rather than coming here. Things could turn nasty you know. :p


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
I actually find it amazing that the threat of a yellow card (warning but no points) or a red card (2 to 3 points per infraction) actually evokes any fear in the first place.

The worst that can happen is a 24 hour ban after 12 demerit points.

The easiest way to counter this is to have a standby account to use during the ban period. Once the 24 hours have passed, your primary account is up and running again.

Surely the forum host does not have to teach people how to suck eggs!:biggrin:

If a person has to make a thousand posts to complain just because of this infraction thing, i suggest he might as well burn himself to death. A simple way is to get out from the place that you don't like.

I have never seen a man behaving like that.


as long as robox, goflykite, pleasedienow, bangalee and crazy gerald is not here, i m happy..

pleasedienow is ok what. he/she is just trying to be funny.. don't think he meant what he says. he is just one of those weird but necessary characters to make this forum fun. :biggrin:


If you want to play safe, I suggest you stick to the Delphi format rather than coming here. Things could turn nasty you know. :p

Wah lah eh, I just say "Dude, was I talking to u" only, u give me a warning oready... how can that be construed as rude when I'm merely replying his sacastic remark?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
I have never seen a man behaving like that.

These are the weird characters that overran the old Delphi coffee shop and took the fun factor out of the place.

I hope "Victor Sun" keeps them on a tight leash and does not allow them to pop in here too often. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: