• IP addresses are NOT logged in this forum so there's no point asking. Please note that this forum is full of homophobes, racists, lunatics, schizophrenics & absolute nut jobs with a smattering of geniuses, Chinese chauvinists, Moderate Muslims and last but not least a couple of "know-it-alls" constantly sprouting their dubious wisdom. If you believe that content generated by unsavory characters might cause you offense PLEASE LEAVE NOW! Sammyboy Admin and Staff are not responsible for your hurt feelings should you choose to read any of the content here.

    The OTHER forum is HERE so please stop asking.

New Singapore Favourite Coffee Shop Talks


Greetings to you:

Singapore Favourite Coffee Shop Talks has taken over the Legacy Sammyboy Alfresco Coffee Shop Talk since its closure in Delphi Forum.

You are welcome to join in the lively discussions on the Singapore Favourite Coffee Shop Talks message boards and I look forward to seeing you there!

To join our discussions, simply go to


Hope to see you there,

PS: Hope LeongSam will not mind us putting up this thread and not cersoring post, we recipocate a linkback to you.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
PS: Hope LeongSam will not mind us putting up this thread and not cersoring post, we recipocate a linkback to you.

I don't need your link buddy. Link exchanges are only useful between sites with comparable traffic. :biggrin:

Why so many sammyboy wannabes are starting forums on Delphi is beyond me though. Set up your own server and install PHPbb or something similar. Take a look at http://www.singsupplies.com/heaven/

Set up by me on this server too. The guy is going great guns and is very happy. Costs him a bit of $$$ which he makes 10 times over every month.

Delphi forums are for the technically challenged. :biggrin: When I was still wet behind the ears, I set up on Delphi as I didn't know any better. Click here and there and you're up and running in minutes. The problem is once you're up and running, you can't move the forum anywhere else, you don't have a proper domain, you can't access the database and you can't export it. You can't install search engine optimisation software. You can't install hacks. With vbulletin, you can change it in thosands of ways. Take a look at http://www.vbulletin.org It will take you months to go through the whole goodie bag.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
http://forums.delphiforums.com/sammyboyforum/messages is setup 2 days ago is in no position to compare with your new site.

we are a bunch of your former faithful volunteer samsters and we are not in it to make money.

I'm not suggesting that you are in it for the money. However, no matter how altruistic you are, it serves no purpose to pay almost USD100 per year to Delphi to host a forum that does not improve with the times. Delphi does not deserve your money.

It scatters the whole forum with tons of ads despite the fact that you have paid for the forum plus asks you to pay MORE to get rid of them. What they should be doing is sharing the revenue with the host. Delphi made a lot more from me than I ever paid them and that didn't stop them deleting posts and threads and banning members without my knowledge.

I'll give you an analogy. Which do you prefer.. private landed property on an HDB pigeon hole?

With the pigeon hole, you don't own it, the govt controls how you use it and who you can sell it too. Your renovation options are restricted at the end of the lease, they take it back.

With a private landed property, it's yours. You can knock down and rebuild the whole damned place.. paint it whatever colour you want and rent it out on your terms.

Delphi forum = HDB. Your own server with your own forum software = Landed property.

Big Sexy

Super Moderator
Sam u really should have patent the word 'sammyboy'....the usual 'intellects' are taking cheap shots at it..

clint and company....if u people detest this new forum so much.. why still use the word sammyboy? you might not agrees with what sam is doing.. but at least give him the credits where it is due. may i suggest 'mummyboyforum'? :biggrin::biggrin:


http://forums.delphiforums.com/sammyboyforum/messages is setup 2 days ago is in no position to compare with your new site.

we are a bunch of your former faithful volunteer samsters and we are not in it to make money.


I'm not suggesting that you are in it for the money. However, no matter how altruistic you are, it serves no purpose to pay almost USD100 per year to Delphi to host a forum that does not improve with the times. Delphi does not deserve your money.

Alamak, why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have gladly paid for u the US$100 a year just so as to keep the old SBF going on Delphi. Nevermind if Delphi does not deserve my money. I think the presence of a real alternative voice forum for Singaporeans is easily worth that money! :smile:

Delphi made a lot more from me than I ever paid them and that didn't stop them deleting posts and threads and banning members without my knowledge.

Money talks. If you can negotiate with Walt Howe to lay off and letting u handle the ban and moderation by giving him more money, I'm sure he will agree.

I'll give you an analogy. Which do you prefer.. private landed property on an HDB pigeon hole?

With the pigeon hole, you don't own it, the govt controls how you use it and who you can sell it too. Your renovation options are restricted at the end of the lease, they take it back.

With a private landed property, it's yours. You can knock down and rebuild the whole damned place.. paint it whatever colour you want and rent it out on your terms.

Delphi forum = HDB. Your own server with your own forum software = Landed property.

Well, the only difference is, I believe most of your guests like to congregate in your HDB pigeon hole than your private landed property where they don't even use your swimming pool.

Big Sexy

Super Moderator
their 'cloning' style is based on the chaos theory of the Universe.. which is based on the 'room full of monkeys' theory which says that if given typewriters they will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare, and this is mathematically extremely sound. The only small downside is that it will take five thousand trillion billion years to produce this move. But boy, will it be worth waiting for... they sure think it is easy to manage a good forum and obviously have not heard of the word 'copyright'.. :biggrin: :biggrin:

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. The Chinese clone Gucci/LV bags and DVDs and Sinkies clone my forums right down to the folder categories.:biggrin:

I must be doing something right. :wink:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Alamak, why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have gladly paid for u the US$100 a year just so as to keep the old SBF going on Delphi. Nevermind if Delphi does not deserve my money. I think the presence of a real alternative voice forum for Singaporeans is easily worth that money! :smile:

This forum IS the alternative voice and it's here for you guys to use. It's just that there's a mental block in so many of you that Delphi is the ONLY place to go:confused: Reminds me of my Dad who refused to drive an automatic car for more than 6 years even though his knee was killing him. When he finally switched from manual to auto, he couldn't believe he had resisted the change for so long.

Whatever anti PAP stuff you want to post here is most welcome. Even I have replaced my pro PAP hat with my anti PAP hat for the time being.

The only thing I don't want is to have people emailing me 10 times a day with a request for lewd details of their personal lives (real of false but that's not the point) to be removed.

Neither do I want 200 posts a day containing the words "Ha Ha Ha... fucking loser" or PAP go eat shit etc over and over again. If that's what you consider to be free speech, I have nothing further to say.

By all means debate policies and tear PAP/SDP/WP/NSP policies to shreds. However, please do it in the "Politics" section and post curses for a dying old lady somewhere else in cyberspace. They are not welcome here.

Is that too much to ask?


This forum IS the alternative voice and it's here for you guys to use. It's just that there's a mental block in so many of you that Delphi is the ONLY place to go

Not say I dont want to give you face here.. but there are some things I dont like about it here:

1. I can't do a multi-quote of a posting easily. Your "QUOTE" command only quote the whole thing. Typically, in a posting, the writer might write a few points but I may only want to reply, say, 2-3 of his points. It's a bit tedious to dabble with HTML "QUOTE" command like what I'm doing now.

2. After posting a reply, it didn't get me back to the last msg which I've replied. Delphi does this and I could easily go to the next msg on the thread. Somehow your system brings me back to a page where it will list the most recent post (which is mine) from top to bottom. Not very friendly.

3. To track all the threads I want or have posted in, I need to "subscribe" to the thread and always go back to CP to see. In Delphi, this is automatic. All I need to do is to select "Unread High Interest" and all the threads which I'm involved in will show up in the list on the left hand frame. Very easy.

4. Lastly, take my word for it, your infraction system is going to piss people off. Such system assumes people to be goody goody and responsible. U should know SBF people better lah, all are the KPKB type. Can easily get infaction one.

If I think of any more negatives, I will let u know.

The only thing I don't want is to have people emailing me 10 times a day with a request for lewd details of their personal lives (real of false but that's not the point) to be removed.

Just set up an auto-bot to tell them get lost if they dont like to read the contents in the forum.

By all means debate policies and tear PAP/SDP/WP/NSP policies to shreds. However, please do it in the "Politics" section and post curses for a dying old lady somewhere else in cyberspace. They are not welcome here.

Is that too much to ask?

You see, the more rules you add, the more tedious it will become for us forumers. I will then have to remember posts on politics goes to politics folder, posts on cars goes to car folders, posts on cats go to pet folder etc. Why can't you automate and auto-post for us. The easier you made it for us, the better the people will stay.

I'm just being frank.


1. I can't do a multi-quote of a posting easily. Your "QUOTE" command only quote the whole thing. Typically, in a posting, the writer might write a few points but I may only want to reply, say, 2-3 of his points. It's a bit tedious to dabble with HTML "QUOTE" command like what I'm doing now.
It is still possible just have to do a bit of cut and paste here and there

kojakbt said:
3. To track all the threads I want or have posted in, I need to "subscribe" to the thread and always go back to CP to see. In Delphi, this is automatic. All I need to do is to select "Unread High Interest" and all the threads which I'm involved in will show up in the list on the left hand frame. Very easy.
that i like to know too boss cos in SBF it is auto set to subscribe once you post on that thread, how come here not the same?

kojakbt said:
4. Lastly, take my word for it, your infraction system is going to piss people off. Such system assumes people to be goody goody and responsible. U should know SBF people better lah, all are the KPKB type. Can easily get infaction one.
No one really cares much about the points not going to get you extra mileage, as in SBF the only fear I have of it is such that my points get into negative territory...that would means much inconvenience surfing SBF and you know how addictive sex is...one day without my daily dose of porn, I'll go into cold turkey...:biggrin:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
1. I can't do a multi-quote of a posting easily. Your "QUOTE" command only quote the whole thing. Typically, in a posting, the writer might write a few points but I may only want to reply, say, 2-3 of his points. It's a bit tedious to dabble with HTML "QUOTE" command like what I'm doing now

You don't need to enter html commands. Just highlight the portion you want to quote and click on

You can also multiquote from a whole row of messages by using the multiple quote button indicated with a "+" or "Multiquote" depending upon which style you are using.

2. After posting a reply, it didn't get me back to the last msg which I've replied. Delphi does this and I could easily go to the next msg on the thread. Somehow your system brings me back to a page where it will list the most recent post (which is mine) from top to bottom. Not very friendly.

You can configure this in your usercp. Top right hand corner.

3. To track all the threads I want or have posted in, I need to "subscribe" to the thread and always go back to CP to see. In Delphi, this is automatic. All I need to do is to select "Unread High Interest" and all the threads which I'm involved in will show up in the list on the left hand frame. Very easy.

You can autosubscribe every post you participate in in your user CP. Exactly the same as delphi. You can also activate email alerts there.

4. Lastly, take my word for it, your infraction system is going to piss people off. Such system assumes people to be goody goody and responsible. U should know SBF people better lah, all are the KPKB type. Can easily get infaction one.

That's your opinion. I happen to think otherwise as I have had loads of practise using the rep points system in the other forum. Time will tell. I'll be fine tuning the demerit points and ban threshold over the next few months to get the best out of the system. Nothing is perfect but it is fun and it is transparent. In the other forum, people don't even know who zapped them and they still love it there. It gives a place a hierarchy which Singaporeans love.

You see, the more rules you add, the more tedious it will become for us forumers. I will then have to remember posts on politics goes to politics folder, posts on cars goes to car folders, posts on cats go to pet folder etc. Why can't you automate and auto-post for us. The easier you made it for us, the better the people will stay.

I'm just being frank.

Filters never work on the net as they aren't smart enough. :biggrin: If someone typed "Pappy dogs" in their message, it would go into the pets section when it was meant for the politics section. Same would go with "fucking Ho Ching Bitch", "WKS" is a pussy.. (might end up diverted to the sex forum too):biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Anyway I used to simply delete messages that were posted in the wrong folder in the Delphi. At least 500 WP threads were zapped because they were posted in the coffee shop or politics folder instead of the dedicated WP folder. Here I'm a lot more lenient. I've been moving things instead of zapping.

Please think before you type. I'm sure you would like to come across as an intelligent Singaporean.:wink:


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
oooh boss there is a softer side to you after all....:biggrin:

It's not a softer side. It's just basic human decency. While I make very general statements such as "The old in Singapore should go away and die", I'm not being personal. It's satire. I'm writing what I believe the PAP really want instead of all the fuss about annuities, medical care etc.

However, when you attack someone personally, it's just disgusting.

What is your mother's name? Of course I don't expect you to divulge it here but supposing your Mum is Madam "XYZ", how would you like it if you log on to sammyboy and see your mum's name in the sentence "I hope Madam XYZ die of cancer and rot in hell as quickly as possible":eek: I ask you how would you feel?

If you had an affair some time in your past, how would you like the whole story posted here with all the details revealed by a ghost who hides his real identity. He knows you... you don't know him. :mad:

Even in cyberspace, there should be some boundaries when it comes to talking about real people. It's a lot different compared to just flaming and cursing an anonymous nick.


No one really cares much about the points not going to get you extra mileage, as in SBF the only fear I have of it is such that my points get into negative territory...that would means much inconvenience surfing SBF and you know how addictive sex is...one day without my daily dose of porn, I'll go into cold turkey...:biggrin:

yeah, if you accumulate a certain number of demerit points, you will be banned for say 1 day or 2, right, SAM?

This is exactly like in school when you have accumulated a number of points, the Principal will want to see your parents.... damn stupid man....


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
yeah, if you accumulate a certain number of demerit points, you will be banned for say 1 day or 2, right, SAM?

This is exactly like in school when you have accumulated a number of points, the Principal will want to see your parents.... damn stupid man....

It's more like if you're caught speeding or jumping a red light, you lose your licence for 6 months if your demerit points go beyond the limit.

It's just for fun for goodness sake. If you don't like the system, don't use it. I'll go a step further.. if you don't like vbulletin, why don't you go to one of the clone forums and stay there for good. :biggrin:

You can't resist coming here can you. Nothing beats the real sammyboy!:biggrin::biggrin: Or have you been instructed to come here and copy all my messages in order to boost the traffic in the clone forums. Jesus I thought clone nicks were bad enough. Now people start cloning my whole forum. Come on people. Here's you opportunity. Come up with something BETTER for goodness sake. Google didn't just clone Yahoo. The guys came up with something much better. Surely there's a Sinkie out there who can do the same.

BTW copying my messages wholesale and posting them there is a copyright offence. If I wanted to be nasty, I'd email Walt Howe and he'd delete the stuff for me. :biggrin: :biggrin:. Fortunately, I'm a magnanimous person and not a childish twit which a few of my members in Delphi were. Besides, you're copying the link to my forum too. Thanks a million for the free "ADVERTISING". You want me to pay??? :biggrin::biggrin:


It's just for fun for goodness sake. If you don't like the system, don't use it. I'll go a step further.. if you don't like vbulletin, why don't you go to one of the clone forums and stay there for good. :biggrin:

As it is, I'm reading something like 5-6 forums, thx to you!

You can't resist coming here can you. Nothing beats the real sammyboy!:biggrin::biggrin: Or have you been instructed to come here and copy all my messages in order to boost the traffic in the clone forums. Jesus I thought clone nicks were bad enough. Now people start cloning my whole forum. Come on people. Here's you opportunity. Come up with something BETTER for goodness sake. Google didn't just clone Yahoo. The guys came up with something much better. Surely there's a Sinkie out there who can do the same.

First of all, I've got nothing to do with the clone forums. I just want to see everyone converging on a single forum so that it's easier for everyone!

BTW copying my messages wholesale and posting them there is a copyright offence. If I wanted to be nasty, I'd email Walt Howe and he'd delete the stuff for me. :biggrin: :biggrin:. Fortunately, I'm a magnanimous person and not a childish twit which a few of my members in Delphi were. Besides. You're copying the link to my forum too. Thanks a million for the free "ADVERTISING". You want me to pay??? :biggrin::biggrin:

Yes, I'm quoting stuffs from here such as your demerit-reward policy which I think it sux. I did that so as to start a discussion on the advantage or disadvantage of such system. I'm not in the business of cloning your whole forum. For that, you got to ask the forum hosters themselves in delphi.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
First of all, I've got nothing to do with the clone forums. I just want to see everyone converging on a single forum so that it's easier for everyone!

I can solve your problem for you. Just stay here. :biggrin: Why bother about the rest of them. I'm sure they are capable of making rational decisions on their own... (I hope).

You need to behave yourself here though or you'll be red carded. :p


As it is, I'm reading something like 5-6 forums, thx to you!

Dude, to be fair, that's your personal freedom and choice. Nobody asked you to read 200 forums to get a life. And it's not Sam's responsibility to GIVE you a forum to begin with. And if you task yourself to be a hero replying to every single damn shit there is in cyberspace, at least take the responsibility to blame yourself for it.

First of all, I've got nothing to do with the clone forums. I just want to see everyone converging on a single forum so that it's easier for everyone!you!
Doesn't that sound like the PAP whom you have been so against? ONE party? Don't mind me, but you are starting to sound hypocritical here you know.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Dude, to be fair, that's your personal freedom and choice. Nobody asked you to read 200 forums to get a life. And it's not Sam's responsibility to GIVE you a forum to begin with. And if you task yourself to be a hero replying to every single damn shit there is in cyberspace, at least take the responsibility to blame yourself for it.

I'm really dumbfounded and slightly ashamed to have had characters with such an atrocious understanding of democratic principles in my forum for so long demanding democracy from the PAP??

He reads 5 or 6 forums and it's my fault? :rolleyes: It's this sort of character who'll blame society, the weapons manufacturer, his childhood, his parents and his school teachers for some horrendous crime that he commits.:p