Re: be prepared for brexit!
Palmerston, the gunboat diplomat send to China in 1800s was a Scottish. Scottish are evil bastards and are they now going to send Palmerston the 2nd syndrome to China to start the 3rd opium trade war with China yo force China to open up for drug trade to finance the economy with drug money?
It is the time to fuck the British for the 1800s drug war with China now along with their problem today. Add salt to the wound and name and shamed the bastard and give them a taste of their own medicine.
Fucking Europeans, the 8 countries attacked China over unequal trade treaties and unreasonable drug war with Chinese China, and fuck the British monopoly drug trade drugged their non-white British subjects mainly Chinese population with opium for drug money in their colonized countries in Singapore, Labuan, Malacca and Penang.
New Markets
As China tightened her borders, Britain pinned her hopes on her other Asian colonies. Opium production in the Straits Settlements (Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Labuan) rose from 353,938 pounds in 1916 to 370,688 pounds in 1920, in spite of Britain’s promise at the Hague Convention to limit opium sales. In 1918, 60% of Britain’s Asian income was derived from opium sales. In 1925, opium accounted for 48% of Singapore’s revenue, and 100% of North Borneo’s. At the 1923 Opium Conference, Mr. Campbell admitted that the British Indian government was determined to maintain high levels of both internal consumption and export, and that they,
“controlled the production, distribution, sale, possession – every possible practical question which could arise in connection with opium—in the strictest possible manner—They had built up a complicated and highly efficient administrative system which started from the time the poppy seed was put into the ground, and did not relinquish control of the drug until it was in the hands of the consumers, or till it was actually exported.”
Some wits noted wryly that the Crown did all but light the addicts’ pipes.
When Indians begged Britain to abandon the opium policy, Britain responded that her opium monopoly was a humanitarian service to India (as it had been to China), and that to end the trade would be “a mockery; to many millions it would be sheer inhumanity.”
History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.
Abba Eban, Israeli politician
latest info. from my scout in UK, sentiment has changed. now, majority UKers are going to vote for brexit. they want control over their trade agreement rather than rely on EURO. according to him, the next on the card will be scotland and then Italy and other european countries, triggering EURO disintegration. it is going to be bad bad times ahead for at least the next decade.