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New Israeli ambassador to UK: Forced expulsion of ‘Palestinians’ from Israel from 1947 on is ‘very popular Arab lie’

syed putra

Arab leeders fucked up in 1948 by choosing war. Except for Jordan, all Arab states kept Palestinians in perpetual fugees status. Over time, the next generation absorb the lie and so it continues. The endless cycles of violence creates Jewish extremists. Both sides extremists aim to derail any peace process, seeking elimination of other side. Don't waste our time supporting any side. Let them kill each other.

Lebanon and syria has a very explosive diverse population. They cannot add more volatility otherwise endless civil war. While south of Palestine is a hostile desert not suitable for habitat.
The border drawn by British and french did not take into account racial, religious demogrsphics.

Fact is, before mass migration of european jews, christian, jews and muslims were in Palestine living together in peace.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Lebanon and syria has a very explosive diverse population. They cannot add more volatility otherwise endless civil war. While south of Palestine is a hostile desert not suitable for habitat.
The border drawn by British and french did not take into account racial, religious demogrsphics.

Fact is, before mass migration of european jews, christian, jews and muslims were in Palestine living together in peace.
European Jews are the trouble makers then. That explains why Hitler targetted them then. Jews in Middle East are good ones. The bad ones are from Europe.
The solution is then simple: deport all Jews that are borned in Europe and their offsprings back to their birth country.


This cowardly ambassador can only peddle her lies in the UK, which is currently run by a far-right pro-Zionist government under Sunak.

Try asking her to say it again in the Irish parliament. LOL.



Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
This cowardly ambassador can only peddle her lies in the UK, which is currently run by a far-right pro-Zionist government under Sunak.

Try asking her to say it again in the Irish parliament. LOL.

Irish parliament talk big when on home ground. Did they deny the right to the Israeli to respond?

Irish now quite unhappy with moslem migrants. Moslem migrants committing a lot of crimes in Ireland, despite Irish victims also being pro hamas pro fakestinians.


Irish parliament talk big when on home ground. Did they deny the right to the Israeli to respond?

Irish now quite unhappy with moslem migrants. Moslem migrants committing a lot of crimes in Ireland, despite Irish victims also being pro hamas pro fakestinians.
The Irish are a courageous people who have the balls to cut the BS and say it like it is. They have been oppressed by the Anglo-Saxons for centuries and hence naturally empathize with the downtrodden and disempowered.

Give that guy a Guinness!


Alfrescian (Inf)
By the way, you can find plenty of Malay Muslim Sinkies start posting plenty of pro-Palestinian propaganda on social media now: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc. You might know some of them in real life. :wink:

This incident has unmasked them and revealed their true colors.


Lebanon and syria has a very explosive diverse population. They cannot add more volatility otherwise endless civil war. While south of Palestine is a hostile desert not suitable for habitat.
The border drawn by British and french did not take into account racial, religious demogrsphics.

Fact is, before mass migration of european jews, christian, jews and muslims were in Palestine living together in peace.
Ish all land ownership dispute....as many see it as a ticket to huat big big


By the way, you can find plenty of Malay Muslim Sinkies start posting plenty of pro-Palestinian propaganda on social media now: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc. You might know some of them in real life. :wink:

This incident has unmasked them and revealed their true colors.
TBH, there is NO Hero in any war


Somebody is lying here.


orh mee suah

A plausible theory of the 1948 war of independence - The hostile Arabs were driven out. Others volunteered to leave, expected an Arab victory and hoping to return later to possess the spoils of war. Those who remained wit the Jews became citizens of Israel.

syed putra

European Jews are the trouble makers then. That explains why Hitler targetted them then. Jews in Middle East are good ones. The bad ones are from Europe.
The solution is then simple: deport all Jews that are borned in Europe and their offsprings back to their birth country.
They won't leave. They say god promised them that piece of real estate.

syed putra

A plausible theory of the 1948 war of independence - The hostile Arabs were driven out. Others volunteered to leave, expected an Arab victory and hoping to return later to possess the spoils of war. Those who remained wit the Jews became citizens of Israel.
2nd class citizens. Like the malays in sinkie

syed putra

By the way, you can find plenty of Malay Muslim Sinkies start posting plenty of pro-Palestinian propaganda on social media now: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc. You might know some of them in real life. :wink:

This incident has unmasked them and revealed their true colors.
Immigrants will say Support for justice wrt land seizure treasonous.