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New Israeli ambassador to UK: Forced expulsion of ‘Palestinians’ from Israel from 1947 on is ‘very popular Arab lie’



New Israeli ambassador in Britain describes Nakba as ‘Arab lie,'” Middle East Monitor, December 8, 2020:

Israel’s new Ambassador to the United Kingdom, 42-year-old Tzipi Hotovely has used her first speech during an event organised by the Board of Deputies of British Jews to describe the Nakba as “a very strong and very popular Arab lie.” She added that the displacement of Palestinians since 1948, when Israel was created in their land, is “a made up story”…

The Nakba describes the forced expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians by Zionist paramilitary groups from 1947 onwards. Around 600 Palestinian villages have since been wiped off the map in order to create a Jewish majority in Israel. Israeli historians have called this process “ethnic cleansing”. Despite volumes of evidence, Nakba denial has been mainstreamed by far-right Zionist groups.


Leftists are outraged at Tzipi Hotovely, but she told the truth. The reality behind the prevailing propaganda is that the Arabs for the most part left Israel because they were ordered to do so by Muslim Arab leaders. Contrary to the contention of the Palestinians and their allies today, the Arab Higher Committee actually exhorted Arabs to leave the new State of Israel, and they obeyed in large numbers.

This action had been contemplated for a considerable period: in May 1946, fully two years before the State of Israel proclaimed its independence, Abdul Rahman Hassan Azzam, secretary-general of the Arab League, stated that “Arab circles proposed to evacuate all Arab women and children from Palestine and send them to neighboring countries, to declare ‘Jehad’ and to consider Palestine a war zone.”

When the war came, many of the Arab Muslims left of their own accord, to the consternation of others who were determined to wage jihad. The Arab newspaper Ash Sha’ab, based in Jaffa, lamented on January 30, 1948 that “the first group of our fifth column consists of those who abandon their houses and businesses and go to live elsewhere…. At the first sign of trouble they take to their heels to escape sharing the burden of struggle [jihad].

Others left because the plan to get the Arabs out of harm’s way until the Jews were destroyed and Israel was defeated was being implemented. The Economist magazine reported on October 3, 1948:

Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit…. It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.

The Jordanian daily Falastin complained on February 19, 1949, that “the Arab state which had encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies, have failed to keep their promise to help these refugees.” The Near East Arabic Broadcasting Station confirmed this on April 3, 1949: “It must not be forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees’ flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa, and Jerusalem.” The Egyptian daily Akhbar el Yom on October 12, 1963, reported that the grand mufti had issued the same call to Arabs to leave: “The 15th May, 1948, arrived…. On that day the mufti of Jerusalem appealed to the Arabs of Palestine to leave the country, because the Arab armies were about to enter and fight in their stead.”

The Jordanian daily Al Urdun reported on April 9, 1953: “For the flight and fall of the other villages it is our leaders who are responsible because of their dissemination of rumors exaggerating Jewish crimes and describing them as atrocities in order to inflame the Arabs…. By spreading rumors of Jewish atrocities, killings of women and children etc., they instilled fear and terror in the hearts of the Arabs in Palestine, until they fled leaving their homes and properties to the enemy.

syed putra

The fact is israelis were like to day's CECA's.
Unlike CECA's, the Israelis decided to take the entire country as their own.
Palestinians wanted a secular state, which included the native jews, but the CECA jews wanted a Jewish state.

syed putra

What wrong with copy and paste from reliable source? What is most important is the content, whether it represents the truth or distortion,
It's not based on actual incident. If Israelis are sincere, they would allow arabs to return to their seized properties.


Arab leeders fucked up in 1948 by choosing war. Except for Jordan, all Arab states kept Palestinians in perpetual fugees status. Over time, the next generation absorb the lie and so it continues. The endless cycles of violence creates Jewish extremists. Both sides extremists aim to derail any peace process, seeking elimination of other side. Don't waste our time supporting any side. Let them kill each other.




"Erase their families, their mothers and their children. These animals can no longer live."

This man is 95-year-old Ezra Yachin; he was part of the Stern Gang (Lehi) terrorist group and participated in the ethnic cleansing of the 1948 Nakba.




Middle East World

Mon 15 May 2023:
On May 15, Palestinians recall the Nakba (the catastrophe), a terrible historical occurrence that took place 75 years ago and resulted in the expulsion of over 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland.
Not only did thousands of people die, but more than 400 villages and towns were destroyed. They are also marking the fact that the Nakba did not end in 1948, but continues in different forms to this day.
For the first time since 1948, the United Nation (UN) will commemorate the Nakba of the Palestinian people with an official event, on Monday, at the headquarters of the international body in New York City.
This year marks 75 years of Nakba, or catastrophe.
Nakba day is celebrated every year on May 15, to commemorate the displacement of nearly 800,000 Palestinians out of their homes in the first Middle East war in 1948.
According to the mandate granted by the United Nations General Assembly, by a resolution issued on November 30, 2022, the 75th anniversary of the Nakba will be commemorated, by organizing two events at the United Nations headquarters.
All UN members and observers are invited to attend the two events, as well as intergovernmental and civil society organizations as well as the public, according to a statement posted on the UN website.
“The UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People [CEIRPP] will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba at UN Headquarters in New York,” the UN said.
“For the first time in the history of the UN, this anniversary will be commemorated pursuant to the mandate by the General Assembly,” UN adds.
“Commemorations… will bring to life the Palestinian journey and will aim at creating an immersive experience of the Nakba through live music, photos, videos, and personal testimonies,” UN added.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jews claimed that they have lived in those land 3,000 years ago until the Romans conquered it. Then the Arabs moved in. So, in the eyes of the Jews, the Arabs had no right to the land.
The British conquered those lands later and decided that the Jews should have the land.

Do the Jews have the right to the land that they lost to the Romans? Do the Arabs have the rights since they moved in after the Jews left?

The solution is to give the land to Sinkapore ...the PAP will show the world how good they in turning a land lacking in water into a thriving global city.