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- Mar 26, 2018
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Why you people bully woman here?
if I like gim freely, will I be all your enemy too?
"Dear" @AhMeng, you are already my enemy because you already seriously like @ginfreely, right?
Believe it or not, I already started suspecting you are @AhMeng's newest clone within two days after you started posting last month and you have finally confirmed that you are still the shameless, unrepentant "proud mangina" clone of @killborat and a traitor who betrayed us in our online war against @ginfreely!![]()
Furthermore, in my opinion, you were simply trying to provoke me to expose you again because you finally crave for my attention again, right?
But that's not because you truly like me, but because you are a bully who enjoys hurting both your friends and former friends (whether male or female), and even in real life (i.e. people who are too weak or unwilling to hurt you back in any significant way), in order to "entertain" yourself (and also to try to enslave them by at least subtly threatening to hurt them again if they fail/refuse to do certain things that you want them to do), simply because you still choose to be addicted to your sins (mainly vanity/vainglory), which also includes strongly supporting obviously evil, unrepentant sinners (such as @ginfreely, in order to indirectly and cowardly attack your former sammyboy.com friends to maliciously "entertain" yourself, just because you don't fully trust them/us, even though they/we have never seriously attacked you before) and which is why you still refuse to repent!![]()
Okay, then "dear" @ahtee (yet another old clone of @AhMeng, which @zhihau banned in early May 2017, nearly two years ago and less than two weeks after he banned @ginfreely in late April 2017 for a year, if I remember correctly), many thanks for bumping up my thread yesterday evening and revealing your true colours by finally attacking me in an obvious way because you finally failed/refused to resist the temptation, right?who you think you are?just because you hate ah meng everyone mist hate him too?grow up.this is n ot your father forum.everyone is free to say what they one.imsee you all gang up against her i pity her and now you trying to give me lecture.buzz off.

Also, from another much less popular thread of mine:
From Japan I like....
On "May 6, 2017" (before @zhihau banned @ahtee later that same day), @ahtee posted the following similar replies to @flatearther (i.e. me!u want to fight,me3t me lah.tag me for what.pm me your place and time, i go down !eet u

puborkia chowahgua, open your PM and dont be no balls coward . limpei will give you my mobile number and you call me. mcdonald kid also have my mobile. u want whatsapp, sms or call me also can. ninnabupuachee coward. :oIo:
knnbpuacheebye u. just because I pm mcdonaldkid he become me. u puacheebye logic. i say liao many many times, u want know i mcdonaldkid or ahming or ahtee very easy. meet and you see all you want.
no balls to meet open your pm box. i send u my mobile and we can talk sms or WhatsApp. up to you.
mainly because he hated, and still hates, me for exposing the following six clones of his in 2016:jiwaiwai here again, but no balls to meet and no balls to open your pm for me to send you mobile number. puborkia chowahgua chiwawa. :oIo:
followed by four more clones of his in 2017:
and, of course, @ahtee!

And just in case you stop allowing anyone to view @ahtee's profile page, here are the links to @ahtee's old posts:
and threads:

and threads:

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