Hi Rosnyus,
Totally agree with Dfiris comment below.
Personally, a lot people had a wrong approach on buying properties. This is unlike buying stocks from the stock market. Landed property will never ever get cheaper unless we are hit with another major crisis. This is simply because we have limited land. So, if we are thinking of buying cheaper than Wuqi256 did, then we will either have to look for another life time or wish for a major crisis! (Not trying to be critical here but just making a point only

. Even if a major crisis did hit, how many would dare to take a plunge during that time if you dont even dare to do it now? Hope I am making sense here!
More so, if you are buying for own stay and not looking at flipping it, you dont really need to worry much as long as it is within your affordable range. "any time is a good time' as Mutiaramas puts it. Even if you are so called "1 step behind, 9 steps ahead" now but if you take a 10 year horizon, you will be 0.01 step behind and 9.99 step ahead..... Who is counting anyway!
Agree, i echo what you said, if for own stay, no better time than the present. Don't look back at yesterdays prices especially when one could have done something about it.
I did share about properties here as soon as i bought my first unit in HH though so there were plenty who could have bought about my time when a cluster in HH was still below 500k and limit then for foreigners was 250k only.
Back then though, it was perceived to be a much greater risk and folks way smarter than me did not commit due to their many many considerations such as facing, feng shui, wind/sun direction and the perception that 350k RM was too much for a terrace here.
Some rather spend time debating things or suspecting me to be an agent for the many developments here then to do anything for themselves or others.
Now i have friends who are starting to tell me that they were the ones who guided me here or told me to buy properties. Out of respect for them and their age, I kept quiet when they said recently they were the ones who told me to invest in th first place.
Even better, one relative now claims she was the one who asked me to "go west" Her kids are property agents in SG and none ever made it out here to even have a look for themselves.
So if one never starts, one never will. 4 years ago, they found plenty of excuses, now that the old excuses no longer hold water, they just find new excuses for not succeeding. Its not just about buying property in MY, its about not doing anything to help themselves in general.
No one can help yourself except yourself. I have brought so many to houses here and even in the past for houses in SG (when they were still priced reasonably), everyone thought i am an agent and doubted me. In the end, now lucky to see quite a few people around me are millionaires (at least in MY) but sad to see some are still bound by their own unwillingness to do anything for themselves.
Worse is when they are unwilling to help others but yet do not want others to succeed.