My initial intention is to rent out, then later own stay (optional), and then pass on to children. But now it seems can't pass on to children, this really makes my blood boil! Now my children has no interest in My becos it's kind of flip and flop suddenly. I was checking with forumers last week if there is any withholding tax if I were to place the proceeds in fd(if I managed to sell in future), but receive no answer. Looks like nobody quite know all these income tax thingy! So sad to be caught in this situation. No wonder people said JB is untested!
Not sure about this, but probably can use company to overcome it? Get a empty shell company (ready available company name can get for few 1-2K ringgit), get some trusted malaysian, transfer the ppty to the company that initial big owner is trusted malaysian. Then transfer malaysian share (buy over) to your singaporean children. Then caveat the ppty if u scare your children might sell it off suka suka.