終於有人說了句公道話了。Can eat don't waste?
I bet she is better looking than most of samsters' wives, and younger too.
終於有人說了句公道話了。Can eat don't waste?
Not pretty at all. And I bet she's flat chested too. Hence, he's not interested. Which is totally understandable.
Correct- flat chested... In fact her figure is damn weird, big arms but totally flat chest. Even ghost see already also run.
Must be cb itchy scared Become left over ATB finding man to mate.
Samsters should propose to her.
She's just another Tiong leftover woman who felt her bio clock ticking away and desperately wanted to mate with a smart guy and produce smart babies. Didn't LKY promote this once upon a time?
Nanyang Technological Univesity Research Fellow
Wuhan, Hubei, China
Wuhan University 武汉大学 - 2013 - 2018
Wuhan University 武汉大学 博士学位 摄影测量与遥感 2013 - 2018
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冰火两重天would be added bonus if she knows how to do it.Chinese name:
Blow job with ice in the mouth
I tot should be 冰火九重天 ...冰火两重天would be added bonus if she knows how to do it.
I think the 29 year old is a son of a rich man.When she hits 35, and remains unused, she should be culled, regardless of the academic work she does.
Hole isn't used, means zero contribution to humanity.
Bingo! Because no guy is dumb enough to rebuff the advances of a chiobu.Correct- flat chested... In fact her figure is damn weird, big arms but totally flat chest. Even ghost see already also run.
The guy knew she a siao chee. Nothing is free!Bingo! Because no guy is dumb enough to rebuff the advances of a chiobu.Then again, a chiobu wouldn't be as desperate as this ugly flat-chested thing.
for sbf unkers she’s a godsend. can makan don’t jalan.Correct- flat chested... In fact her figure is damn weird, big arms but totally flat chest. Even ghost see already also run.