It's just an excuse for paper officers to get promoted after organising the biggest army exercise of their lives
Even better if lightning strikes the parade. It would be a just sign that PAP is zapping you literally.Hope there is heavy thunderstorms with lightning at the NDPs…
Sinkie retards trivializing the day you became independent by calling it a birthday.
Totally bereft of the gravity and significance of the day because sinkie braincells could only compute that it's a holiday.
They should have remained a colony. That would be the most apt.
Bro, if don't have NDP, how to give medals to Scholar SAF Genitals from a Paper Army?Only communist countries hold parades like sinkiepore. Russia , (China , North Korea,etc). They rightfully parade their Army stuffs coz they have gone to war and fought for their independence.
SINKIE is the only country who does not want independence but was chased out of Malaysia.
We should have a more carefree celebration on the streets and not waste taxpayers money for all these stupid marching shows.
Only soldiers march but we have NTUC, PAP, OSIM, PSA, KEPPEL and other private companies MARCHING too. LOOK SO STUPID!!! ONLT SOLDIERS MARCH!!!
Stupid numbskull sinkies brainwashed till no more white.
ALL Martyrs got 72 Virgins. But Allah didn't say if it's boy or girl!!!
Only fools believe this shit!!!
They are brainwashed stupid fucksWhile you are here complaining about NDP wasting taxpayer money, 70% sinkies are happily celebrating NDP now.
Just passed by a carnival with many celebrations going on, even playing the jack neo 新加坡 song with old farts dancing along with it.
NDP are for tourist, PAP porlumpar and elites, FTs working and living in Singapore, and the odd unker and aunty. The actual real sinkies are participating in it or working as security or volunteering in it. They don't get to enjoy it.Since Day 1, it Ish a mass display for Jiuhu and Indon and Tiongkok 贵宾 instill good business confidence
VvIPs will shun bian shop at Orchard Rd, house hunting for Condo and put some shillings into our wealth management banks
Meanwhile, SPG will be out full force for Fishing Golden Turtles....enjoy![]()
National Day is the celebration of the dark day of infamy where we passed from a British Colonial rule to a FamiLee Dicktatorship.Read this:
'Celebrating independence' is a convenient, revisionist lie. It's more accurately called the anniversary of getting kicked of of Malaysia. It had nothing to do with the Brit colonial masters, that dispute was settled some years before 1965.![]()
bro, we have SAF day 1st July. They can march all they want on this day but leave 9 aug NDP out. wasting 8-9 months of unproductive hours using paperBro, if don't have NDP, how to give medals to Scholar SAF Genitals from a Paper Army?
Absolutely agree on this.bro, we have SAF day 1st July. They can march all they want on this day but leave 9 aug NDP out. wasting 8-9 months of unproductive hours using paper
General to organise stupid MARCHING parade.
Wake up sinkie and come out of your senses.
National Day is the celebration of the dark day of infamy where we passed from a British Colonial rule to a FamiLee Dicktatorship.
How daft of you to not see that it was colonialism again under Malaysia?Read this:
'Celebrating independence' is a convenient, revisionist lie. It's more accurately called the anniversary of getting kicked of of Malaysia. It had nothing to do with the Brit colonial masters, that dispute was settled some years before 1965.![]()
The separation of Singapore and Malaysia resulting in our so call independence was illegal. A referendum was needed to merge the 2 countries. Therefore, a referendum was also needed to separate the 2 countries. However, the Old Snake knew if he asked for a referendum to separate, the people of singapore would never vote for it. Neither would the people of malaysia. Old Snake's ego met Tungku Abdul Rahman, and his ego lost. He went with the adage "better to be a big fish in a small pond then a small fish in a big pond"Tungku don’t Singapore at all. We were being imposed upon him by the Brits and LKY spooking him about being overrun by CCP if he don’t accept Singapore. He accepted only after bringing in Sabah and Sarawak and Brunei. CCP and Indonesia then cooked up a rebellion in Brunei that cause the sultan to ball shrink. I am sure a lot money changed hands.
It’s only matter or time before we divorced. LKY declared us independent actually on 31 Aug - that should technically be the N day together w mudland