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NCM congrats bro Lawrence Wong kym?



I congratulate Brother Lawrence on his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and we look forward to his continued support for the Labour Movement. Second photo was Brother Lawrence with us at this year’s May Day Rally.

More at https://shrtcô.de/VoP1il


Brother means what?
NCM's mother is LW's father's whore?

Fuck his brother mother's cheebye!
In the context of their setup, a more appropriate term should be comrade.

Brother, bro, brotha, broseph are all slang and the mudderfarker is just trying to sound like he is in the "in" crowd which he is not. Definitely a stooge of the highest order.


In the context of their setup, a more appropriate term should be comrade.

Brother, bro, brotha, broseph are all slang and the mudderfarker is just trying to sound like he is in the "in" crowd which he is not. Definitely a stooge of the highest order.

Fucking cringe. NCM is trying very hard to get back in the circle.
Every time someone bro me, I'd thinking was your mum my dad's whore?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Fucking cringe. NCM is trying very hard to get back in the circle.
Every time someone bro me, I'd thinking was your mum my dad's whore?

The PAP likes to recruit trashy people from two main institutions: the SAF and NTUC.

Most of the problems have been created by pappies who were from these two organizations.

One sells you the snake oil of 'operational readiness', the other peddles you the mirage of 'tripartism'.

This particular one came from both. :roflmao:


Scrooball (clone)

Chen Show Mao? What a flash in the pan! Biggest flop so far. Came in like a tiger with such a big reputation and end up looking like a mellow cat!


NCM's mother is confirm a public whore, her cheebye hole must be quite a Batu Cave.
Fucked by Zorro's father, also fucked by Eugene Wong's father.

Is Kee Chiu rubbing his lanjiao against NCM's thigh?



NCM's mother is confirm a public whore, her cheebye hole must be quite a Batu Cave.
Fucked by Zorro's father, also fucked by Eugene Wong's father.

Is Kee Chiu rubbing his lanjiao against NCM's thigh?

View attachment 148357
NCM is the biggest apple polisher with his "Brother this, brother that..." statements. Praising a moron like "upturn the downturn" Sia sway shows just what a lowly toady the mxxdderfarker is. If there was an Olympic medal for apple polishing, NCM would take the gold, hands down.

Kee Chiu could rub his lanjiao anywhere he wanted with this stooge and he would have gotten a handjob and a blow too.


The PAP likes to recruit trashy people from two main institutions: the SAF and NTUC.

Most of the problems have been created by pappies who were from these two organizations.

One sells you the snake oil of 'operational readiness', the other peddles you the mirage of 'tripartism'.

This particular one came from both. :roflmao:

It's actually SAF and SPF, and more recently, PPS from PMO.

NTUC is a temporary holding area when you are not elected, and they need to keep you in the limelight when still pay you to wait for the next flight.


I am starting to wonder if it's a good idea to be a designated successor etc...slot of such successors always end up in a sorry state. Look at stroke Heng...


Singapore Dancing Spirit

When LW was promoted to DPM, Satan came to me and said vocally this guy LW is NOT FIT for ANYTHING.
I knew it. But I did not like this coming out of devil's mouth. I told devil to get behind me.

I was resisting to communicate to the devil as his pseudo power is being vaporized.

You all will know what i meant in due time.
Beware and be aware/
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