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NATO vs Russia


Was talking with my gf last night when we were watching a telecast of the G20 in Bali. She mentioned we are all merely pawns in a deadly game those leaders play. People suffering and dying don't seem to be their concern, but being one up and maintaining power is all they want.

It is only common for an individual to feel hopeless & hapless in the face of adversities, worse under the wrong direction of 'leaders'........



......... However, do not & never be despondent. Each & every Human has unique gifts. Alone, we are nothing, but when you & I combine with 7 Billion Humankind, TOGETHER we are the GREATEST power on Earth, far more powerful than any democratic leader or dictator, because it is US that empowers them. Stripped of OUR support, they are nothing, & are the only few.

A 'leader' - someone whom we follow, may fool us once, or twice, but NEVER forever, as TRUTH & REALITIES sits upon its own unshakable pedestal. Sooner or later, scammers will be found out & figuratively hammered out of existence, as history of our Civilization had proven.

Thus NEVER fear or feel alone but face the day with courage. Hope lays in Realities. Touch one's heart & mind sincerely, for good, even if it is only one in our lifetime, it is enough to CHANGE our World, as ONE is an exponential number, for the growth & progress of Humanity.....



Just nuke Moscow and St Petersburg. Bloodymir Putin will then have no choice but to surrender in this war, just like what the Japanese had to do back in September 1945. Case closed.
b4 the nuclear warhead ever reach their home ground, Putin would have order the same launch.there is no winner.


b4 the nuclear warhead ever reach their home ground, Putin would have order the same launch.there is no winner.
Must act discreetly. All air defense missile shields in Europe, Isreal and America must be ready and at full alert. All these can be done. It's only a matter of will and full co-operation. Remember, Russia is fighting alone against ¾ of the world.




SMO niggers should admit that the West has now ensnared Russia in a protracted war. Russians have been unable to make any inroads in Ukraine for the past few months and the Ukrainians have liberated Kherson and the areas surrounding Kharkiv. Putin has demonstrated to the world that the Russian military is merely a paper tiger with the logistical and operational capacities of a second-rate army.


Attack or Accident.

It is important to rely on facts, as the media in all forms are filled with different points of views, to gather adherents to their causes, which often spread lies & half truths, misguiding others. Ignorance is not a crime, but willful lying will only harm others.

The S-300 Air Defense System used by UKR is mainly to shoot down RUS S-300 missiles as well as even RUS Cruise missiles that were targeting hospitals, schools, civilian infrastructures, etc.

How the S-300 works is by radar guidance from its mobile command post. Once identified & tracked by radar, the missile will launch & lock onto the target till it hits. If the target is destroyed by another missile before it hits, it will just fly aimlessly till its fuel runs off or lock on to another radar identified target, even heat seeking, nearest targets such as even a working tractor on a farm.
