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NATO vs Russia


Old Fart
Shit has hit the fan. :eek:

Article 5 provides that if a NATO Ally is the victim of an armed attack, each and every other member of the Alliance will consider this act of violence as an armed attack against all members and will take the actions it deems necessary to assist the Ally attacked.

Ukraine Latest: Stray Russian Rockets Kill 2 in Poland, AP Says​

Bloomberg News
Wed, November 16, 2022 at 3:47 AM·11 min read

(Bloomberg) -- Poland was hit by stray Russian rockets, killing two people, the Associated Press reported.

Polish officials met in what they described as a crisis situation, without confirming the reported rockets, and officials in the US and other NATO member nations said they were awaiting word from their Polish counterparts.



Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Unlikely Russia fired any missile to inflame the situation since US and Russia have just met in Turkey for negotiations. If anyone has motive to create a falsr flag escalation it'd be the comedian

syed putra

No Nato member in europe wants to mess with russia. Escalation could end with s nuclear war. The nuclear bomb was meant to be a deterent.


Just nuke Moscow and St Petersburg. Bloodymir Putin will then have no choice but to surrender in this war, just like what the Japanese had to do back in September 1945. Case closed.

syed putra

Just nuke Moscow and St Petersburg. Bloodymir Putin will then have no choice but to surrender in this war, just like what the Japanese had to do back in September 1945. Case closed.
Japan did not have icbm's tipped with multiple nuclear bombs. Go! Go! Russia.


Well done Putin! Easily the only leader with balls. Clearly those were not strays but we'll intentioned to trigger NATO response.
Putin is betting the west has no guts to respond because the moment NATO steps into Ukraine, ICBMs fly.

Go Putin! Go!


So obvious it was the russkies who fired them. They are really asking to be wiped out.
already predicted that the US will continue to fund such sabotage events like the destruction of Nordstream and then try to finger Russia as December draws near. Waiting for Putler to nuke cheebye Joe's sleepy ass.


Condolences to the victims families who lost their loved ones from the missile that fell into Poland.

The S-300 Air Defence missile is made in RUS. It had been reported that BOTH RUS & UKR are using such missiles - RUS using such to fire upon land targets - schools, cinemas, hospitals, power stations, etc, civilian infrasture, while UKR used such to fire upon those missiles to destroy such before it can hit the targets. During the massive missile strike by RUS upon UKR cities yesterday, it was believed both sides were using S-300 missiles upon each other.

Investigations are going on, however, may RUS end its aggression upon UKR whom is not a threat, seek for dialogue & avoid spilling the war to neighboring nations either by accident or by intentions, to save the many lives still living.

Accidents or intentions of such, are enough JUSTIFICATIONS for RUS neighbors to bring their air assets & air defense systems closer to the border, to be prepared, to prevent such 'accidents', which will not bode well for RUS & its military, stockpiles.... a step closer to the excuse used by RUS for its invasion into UKR - 'special operations'.
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you cant believe any news anymore....from anyone.....
the biggest worry is.....sleepy joe may accidentally press the nuclear button and end the world, all mati eventually

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Instead of just focusing on the chess pieces on the board, look at the actual chess players.

The special military operation has been in a lull for the past couple of months because everyone was waiting to see the result of the US mid term election. Now that Biden's job looks guaranteed for the next 2 years he'll be making moves to fix the burning issues at hand. Biden and Putin's men have just held closed talks in Turkey and looks like a ceasefire is planned. This is obviously making our golden boy Zelensky very nervous so he's doing what he can to create more drama.

It's also interesting to see how Biden's attitude towards China might pivot but that's for another discussion


Old Fart
Instead of just focusing on the chess pieces on the board, look at the actual chess players.

The special military operation has been in a lull for the past couple of months because everyone was waiting to see the result of the US mid term election. Now that Biden's job looks guaranteed for the next 2 years he'll be making moves to fix the burning issues at hand. Biden and Putin's men have just held closed talks in Turkey and looks like a ceasefire is planned. This is obviously making our golden boy Zelensky very nervous so he's doing what he can to create more drama.

It's also interesting to see how Biden's attitude towards China might pivot but that's for another discussion
Good analogy using a chess game. Was talking with my gf last night when we were watching a telecast of the G20 in Bali. She mentioned we are all merely pawns in a deadly game those leaders play. People suffering and dying don't seem to be their concern, but being one up and maintaining power is all they want.