Lol! Thai treat their king as their god! China is communist country so it is understandable! Msia is democratic country but cant feedback abt moslem and islam at all! Once non moslem give a good feedback abt moslem, if the moslem feel offended they will prosecuted them!
Democratic or otherwise, any country can have their own law. Not necessary must follow ur good friend USA. Msia can always fine tune their law. They can also implement hudud law. Rakyaat can have their own choice. They can chose to stay put or pack their bags and ship out. Just like sinkieland. Not happy with the law and policy of the garment, u can chose to leave. Nobody forcing u to stay put and kpkb 24/7 like so many losers here. Basket GE just over...start kpkb again for another 5 years. Chialat man.