ends up with prc getting offended and banning it on weibo. it wasn't directed at pinky, but at winnie the pooh with references to the makan of dogs, cats, bats, and civets." lol!
'One line of the song goes: "It's illegal to breach the firewall, you'll be missed if the Pooh discovers it."
It is a dig at Xi, who had been compared to the character Winnie the Pooh in memes on social media.
The term "common prosperity", the theme of Xi's most recent political campaign, is also in the lyrics.
After Chen's Weibo account was blocked, the 27-year-old posted a clip of herself singing on Instagram and Facebook: "Sorry to have hurt you. It doesn't matter if I don't have Weibo. I still have Instagram. I still have Facebook."'
rotflmao! kimberley chen also a funny satirist.