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My photo club keeps sending me Zoom meeting links but I don't have a cam or a microphone


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Club meetings are being held via zoom every week but I don't have the hardware to participate.

Do I have a case against my club for not catering to those who do not have high tech equipment?


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The meeting is to discuss discuss photography and judge photos submitted by members. I have tried posting a few photos here in the past but nobody was interested which is why I joined this club in the first place.


your hand phone no camera ?
log in using both your handphone / tablet and PC to zoom.
handphone or tablet front camera will capture your face and PC will allow you to share photos.
Errr.......can invite me to the zoom ? I want to view your photos :rolleyes:


The meeting is to discuss discuss photography and judge photos submitted by members. I have tried posting a few photos here in the past but nobody was interested which is why I joined this club in the first place.

photography or pornography? lol


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
what is photo club? nude one? nudist cycling? nudist e-scooter?
myanmar nudist ?
It's a club for photographers to get together. There are weekly meetings where speakers are invited to give talks about photography. Once a month there is a photo competition where each member can submit 2 photos for judging by an independent accredited judge.

The genre of the competition is different each month eg landscape, macro, portrait, architectural, still life, sports, nature and so on.

In early March where corona was already the talk of the town I did a nude which incorporated the coronavirus theme. I'll post a sample here later.


The meeting is to discuss discuss photography and judge photos submitted by members. I have tried posting a few photos here in the past but nobody was interested which is why I joined this club in the first place.
KNN any members happened to be from india to iran KNN if yes maybe @ginfreely naked photos could be 1 of the weekly discussions KNN


Old Fart
The meeting is to discuss discuss photography and judge photos submitted by members. I have tried posting a few photos here in the past but nobody was interested which is why I joined this club in the first place.
Post racy photos, and nice scenic ones. We are interested. Zoom is Chink-owned and their tech support is in Chinkland. Be wary.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Post racy photos, and nice scenic ones. We are interested. Zoom is Chink-owned and their tech support is in Chinkland. Be wary.

That is why I am very reluctant to install the zoom app in the first place. I requested that everyone switch for facetime but there are a lot of shit android users out there.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Post racy photos, and nice scenic ones. We are interested. Zoom is Chink-owned and their tech support is in Chinkland. Be wary.