Tell that to yourself bully dog that has no proof and do evil insulting virgin as slut whore mistress non stop and dare not swear! I must prove while you hakka Cantonese bully dog no need proof. Just swear lah if I am virgin and not slut and did these good deeds that I said I did you die a violent death and next 18 generations family become whore. So simple. Pui!
Same CANTONESE CBT THIEF dog terrorist logic as @musclepower call you slut whore mistress means you must accept or let them poke indeed.Tell that to yourself bully dog that has no proof and do evil insulting virgin as slut whore mistress non stop and dare not swear! I must prove while you hakka Cantonese bully dog no need proof. Just swear lah if I am virgin and not slut and did these good deeds that I said I did you die a violent death and next 18 generations family become whore. So simple. Pui!
No wonder few or zero philanthropist. 没赚钱的事自己不做!别人做还骂别人小恩小惠好大喜功!Same CANTONESE CBT THIEF dog terrorist logic as @musclepower call you slut whore mistress means you must accept or let them poke indeed.
自己人做贼都是好人!别人做好事却说他是坏人!No wonder few or zero philanthropist. 没赚钱的事自己不做!别人做还骂别人小恩小惠好大喜功!
別人笑我 太瘋癲
You Cantonese bully dog scammer prostitute descendant is you dare not swear if I am a virgin and if I did all the good deeds that I said I did, you die a violent and your family women become whore. So evil so cheap so coward Cantonese dog dare not swear means you know I am not telling lies and you and @bart12 and @rotiprata and whoever like your bully dogs posts are the liar criminal bullies that open Ccb mouth to insult a virgin as slut etc while dare not swear. Pui!!別人笑我 太瘋癲
我笑他人 不會仙
善行善舉 任我編
謊話連篇 佈滿天
別人笑我 太瘋癲
我笑他人 不會仙
獵男成功 把手牽
拉入洞房 灌迷煙
別人笑我 太瘋癲
我笑他人 不會仙
姣婆守寡 不能閹
處女之說 繼續仙
15 good deeds that encapsulated multiple people and years and times and amount that benefited much more than 15 people indeed.15) I have done a will since young to donate significant percentage of my wealth to charity. And since I am a believer of instant wealth from insurance so I have definitely done a good deed to donate good amount of my estate since young!
No wonder no one else can come up with a list to beat me. Only jealous loser Cantonese bully dogs @musclepower that want to open his cheap dirty mouth to insult people list of good deeds is fake while he dare not swear if it’s real he die a violent death and next 18 generations family women be whores is a good reflection of him being 言行不一真小人indeed.15 good deeds that encapsulated multiple people and years and times and amount that benefited much more than 15 people indeed.
Btw all these were THEN. Now I don’t even want to donate a cent to charity because sinkies can go to hell. But I don’t want to spend more money to pay lawyer to change my will, so lucky sinkies will still get a share of my whatever estate left behind after I spent it all.15 good deeds that encapsulated multiple people and years and times and amount that benefited much more than 15 people indeed.
The earlier I die, the more lucky sinkies are indeed.Btw all these were THEN. Now I don’t even want to donate a cent to charity because sinkies can go to hell. But I don’t want to spend more money to pay lawyer to change my will, so lucky sinkies will still get a share of my whatever estate left behind after I spent it all.
No benefits help for what? Siao indeed1) tell someone to buy executive apartment - instead of wait long long 5 room flat - and they huat big big now
Be others’ 贵人 for what? When I need help I got not just no 贵人but 小人小人and more 小人!2) tell a teenager to become sia no need study university can earn big bucks and save university money and easy autopilot overpaid driver job. Now he is sia pilot!
Helped Malaysian for what? Not just no thank you but pretend don’t recognize you while all gang up to bully you non stop!3) hired a pregnant woman despite her pregnancy. Not many employers will do that right?
Better than you Cantonese bully dog not just no 小恩小惠but do evil want to 争到底while dare not swear if I am a virgin you die and 18 generations whore 言行不一的真小人就是你这只狗!呸!小小恩惠 記心裡
飯給乞丐 算粒米
功勞大小 爭到底
歌功頌德 誇自己
句句刺骨小小恩惠 記心裡
飯給乞丐 算粒米
功勞大小 爭到底
歌功頌德 誇自己