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My friend wife and him sleep seperate room for 2 year le


My neighbour hubby & wife sleep in separate rooms too. Heard from son & confirm by hubby. Understand it has been like this since the kids were like in kinder now in NS liao. Might as well divorce & move on. Cannot understand these people. Marital Status married but actual status SINGLE :geek:

Scrooball (clone)

My neighbour hubby & wife sleep in separate rooms too. Heard from son & confirm by hubby. Understand it has been like this since the kids were like in kinder now in NS liao. Might as well divorce & move on. Cannot understand these people. Marital Status married but actual status SINGLE :geek:
Worse than being single. Still have to buy stuff for wife and kids but none of the perks such as good fuck or a blowjob from the wife.


My neighbour hubby & wife sleep in separate rooms too. Heard from son & confirm by hubby. Understand it has been like this since the kids were like in kinder now in NS liao. Might as well divorce & move on. Cannot understand these people. Marital Status married but actual status SINGLE :geek:
Most of the time is becas if divorce the hubby have to share his hard work money with the useless wife :geek:
My uncle's kopi kaki also same same.


As per above topic.
Nothing unusual, esp. when one of them snores loudly til ghost also run or like to move positions around during sleep, how to sleep together?

Contrary to traditional beliefs, sleep separately has much more benefit as it gives each spouse more space to do their own things without disturbing the other.
For the wife might be freedom to put things where she wants and watch soap opera til very late.

For guys, obviously it's surfing porn & PCC, rinse and repeat.