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My friend tio kum cheng by a geylang house girl..


He lonely. Then go. This girl figure best. Face ok.service nice. He keep want to go back again. How to help him quit??
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He lonely. Then go. This girl figure best. Face ok.service nice. He keep want to go back again. How to help him quit??
My "friend" is thread starter ...

Race and IQ

IQ Map-2.png


Alfrescian (Inf)
He lonely. Then go. This girl figure best. Face ok.service nice. He keep want to go back again. How to help him quit??
Your friend is a typical sinkies type of old man, who easily fall for love scam? He must be PAPPY supporter too. If he lost his HDB or CPF to a love whore, he will KPKB to the MSM.