No figures available on part played by new fake sinkies to swing huge vote win to the pappies but just a little imagination is enough to show how.
Pappies got 70% of votes cast in their contested wards or 7 voters out of 10 supported pappies. Conservatively, if we put it down to 3 new fakes + 4 locals voted for pappies out of 7, the swing of these new fakes could be substantial. So, if there were 4 locals for pappies and another 3 out of 10 for oppo parties, the pappies might still win marginally but not the big win.
A win for pappies is still a win but on reflection, these foreign fakes could change the destiny of the country if they decided to vote for a corrupt party. Fortunately, pappies is not a bad party but still, why let foreigners influenced the destiny of your own country?