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My colleagues received sms from MOH to request him to have 5th covid vaccine


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Horrible or not ? Any samster received 5th shot ? How about our dearest PM Lee ?

Tell your colleague to be very, very careful lots of people seem to be dropping dead in mysterious circumstances. The medical professionals are getting worried.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject


Sports physicals are done primarily to make sure you are not at high risk for sudden cardiac death on the playing field.

COVID infection and COVID vaccinations affect your risk.

In response to worldwide experience and vaccine adverse event monitoring, we are adopting a more precautionary sports physical sign off policy.

If you have received doses of any Covid vaccine, or have had Covid-19, we may not be able to clear you to compete in sports without performing lab work and possibly an echocardiogram to rule out potential heart damage.