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My colleagues received sms from MOH to request him to have 5th covid vaccine


Alfrescian (Inf)
Never received anything. Why? Because my number is not in their database lah, bodoh. :cool:

Here is the secret: when you got your FIRST jab, you have already given/surrendered your personal info to MOH and the govt. Henceforth, it has carte blanche to spam you with invitations to get another death booster, whether you like it or not. :biggrin:

Oh, and remember that SafeEntry/Tracetogether app you might have installed, even for a short while? Do you really believe Hongyi-Govtech and the MOH wouldn't have collected data from you? :wink:

Daft Sinkies see the sms and automatically assume it is mandatory, or a kind invitation which they feel privileged to be given priority. Alternatively, the brainwashed hypochondriacs see it and believe the situation is serious enough that they would get such a notification. :rolleyes:


A Singaporean

I received quite a lot of calls telling me that my vaccination got problem and must contact MOH.

You should respond immediately and also to provide your bank info as well when requested. Otherwise you will not be able to travel.



I never receive any SMS because my first shot was Sinopharm, and PAP gov assumed I am a rich Singaporean and anti-mRNA, so they scared to offend me.


Alfrescian (Inf)
many young kids of senior civil servants didn't take any covid shots since it was approved a few months ago.

For the brats, they have a 'new' approved vaccine called Spikevax. Not sure if it's something new or a rebranded version of an existing one. :unsure:


Byebye Penis

For the brats, they have a 'new' approved vaccine called Spikevax. Not sure if it's something new or a rebranded version of an existing one. :unsure:


Bivalent means version-2.
I was told children version is lower dosage than adults.

correct me if my understanding is wrong. anyway, if someone really likes booster so much, I recommend Valneva.