Hello Ash, are you in the pharma line of business? You seem to be promoting them

Just kidding.
I am "forcing" myself to drink the awful juice that I made this morning. It still has 300ml in my vacuum flask that I brought to work.
This morning, instead of my usual celery and green apples combi, I decided to masticate some carrots with celery. OMG, it really tasted awful.
Why does carrot juice have a salty taste? Does it contain salt? I eat cooked carrots all the time and I enjoy them. Even when I chew those raw carrot sticks, it tastes good with the dip. I am just surprised that when it is masticated into juice, it tasted real salty. And, I now realise carrot and celery is an awful combi for juicing.
The other day, my mum bought some small 6-7 inches bitter gourd that had very crumpled skin. I masticated them ~ yucks, they are so bitter compared to the big 12 inches type. It tasted like drinking masticated Panadol extra!!!
I asked her from where she got those awful bitter gourd. She said the wet market and it is supposedly the best from India?!? She said 良药苦口 and it is good for me as I take so much sweet pastries during tea time in office. She added that it will help to control blood sugar. I told her to buy the big 12 inches one next time.
Sorry for ranting about the carrot celery juice. It really taste awful! :(