There's an estimated 7 million votes that are yet to be counted probably due to postal votes. It doesn't matter though if the two-faced, forked tongue bitch wins all the remaining 7 million. The system was designed so that people living in states with smaller populations would not be disenfranchised.
If the system was based on the popular votes, all the candidates need to do is to campaign in the top 20 most populous states starting with California (most populous - 38 million), Texas (36 million) down to the 20th populous state (Wisconsin - 8.8 million). These 20 have a a combined population of 239 million as compared to the remaining 31 states and district with a combined population of just 136 million. The least populous 10 states; Maine, NH, Vermont, etc and Wyoming with just 582K people would be totally ignored, effectively disenfranchising the people living in these states if the contest was based on popular votes.
The dishonest and corrupt bitch lost despite everything stack in her "favour"; the left wing media, treacherous republicans, fawning celebrities, self-serving pollsters, newspaper endorsements, etc. Her butt-fucking worshippers and welfare dependant leeches are now upset and angry as they have been denied a chance to watch the free fireworks show she had ordered in advance to celebrate her victory.