Singapore is an elitist society and if you want to change that, you cannot just talk and do nothing. The people got to make contributions and gain achievements themselves and not rely on PAP. If you open a computer shop like GMS, what does Singapore gain from it? You are just making money off your people.
It is sad that none of the SG companies survive because of the small market size and the distance from US/Europe. If Singapore have top companies like Microsoft/Apple and a sizeable private industry, do you think PAP have so much power and say?
At least I think Sinkie low/middle class have a HDB flat and they seldom seize it back if you lose your job or have some reasons for not being able to pay up. In US, once you miss a couple of payments and lose your job, you can kiss goodbye to your house.
Stop comparing to other countries. Canada not only have high taxes but vast amount of natural resources. They can afford to do that. Singapore is very cheap to live in if you forsake your material desires but apparently Chinese people like to have "face" and waste all their money on $100K 1.6L cars, tonnes of electronics at home and a maid.
If cannot compare to Canada, do we use our neighbours as a yardstick to gauge how we are doing

The PAP started the comparing game to highlight their achievements but as Sporeans get more worldly they realise just how screwed up things are in Spore

People who have tried to changes things political have ended up as either bankrupts or exiles. Is it any wonder Sporeans have become cynical or crazy in Spore:( It's simpler to vote with their feet which many have already done.
Spore will never have companies like Microsoft/Apple because of the obstacle of the PAP & their "system". Just look at the many global successes of Taiwanese & Korean companies compared to failures of Spore companies.