where are the politically correct NGO and idiots who says let them in. that's what you get later when you let in thousands of refugees and try to play goody two shoes and now these people are going to say they are in the majority and demand this and that farking rights and so on. soon they would demand that pork be banned, everyone wear veil, ban alcohol, manadate circumcision, allow them to pray 5 times a day, allow them to segregate plates etc as not halal , demand special bathrooms, demand syariah laws etc etc. unreasonable idiots. that's why racism exists. because of these people who thinks they are special. no smoke without fire. same for the shit skins. if not happy then fark back to middle east. Japan is right in limiting the entry of these people. you don't have these problems in Japan. no bombing. no tudong. no demand for special holidays or treatment. trump is right in limiting these unreasonable people.