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Muslims celebrate online: ‘Afghanistan is conquered and Islam has won’ again!




The recapture of Afghanistan by the Taliban has been greeted with jubilation in the dark corners of the worldwide cyber-jihad, as supporters of al Qaeda and other terror groups exult on social media about humiliating the United States.

On Monday, the day after the Afghan capital of Kabul fell with barely a shot being fired, pro-al Qaeda social media accounts published an unsigned statement congratulating their Taliban “brothers” on the stunning military victory.

“Afghanistan is Conquered and Islam has Won,” read the message, translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

Similar statements emerged from Hamas, which welcomed “the defeat of the American occupation on all Afghan land,” and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which hailed what it called “the liberation of [Afghani] land from the Western and American occupation”.

The gloating began weeks earlier, with the South China Morning Post reporting last month that the hashtag “the year of running away” was being added to messages in al Qaeda-supporting channels on the encrypted app Telegram as US forces accelerated their withdrawal from Afghanistan after 20 years of war….

syed putra

Its still early to tell.
Was there a agreement made by US to allow talibans to take over?
And for Afghan soldiers to surrender peacefully?
US is still evacuating their personnel from Kabul airport unscathed.