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Muralli is so fucked! LMW squeezing his ball asked for an apology. Will Murali apologize for lying in parliament and shame PAP?


Alfrescian (Inf)
The PAP regime loves to induct these token minority turds into its ranks, to virtue signal about how 'racially diverse' it is. :biggrin:


LMW is to date the best opposition MP I have seen.
I would like to see CSJ, LT and KJ join him in Parliament and see how Indranee will react to their questioning.
Of course if LHY can somehow make it, that will be ideal and see him take on LHL, Shan , Edwin Tong and Desmond Lee

LMW is so obviously getting on PAP nerves, and this cannot be a bad thing. :wink::eek::biggrin: