Re: Muralli: I will only be a Part Time MP, BB Voters for $17K you don't get me full
Both Sam and I specifically mentioned the Westminster Model because we know that US politicians in Senate and Congress are full-time. That is the reason why lobby groups in the US are big business because these politicians have no clue about the outside world. The Medical, Pharmaceutical etc are multi-dollar business in the US with offices staffed with hundred of people in Washington just to hold each Rep and Senators hand. The Singapore government also engages lobby firms in the US to look after out interest.
Murali is an idiot for using the term part-time. It belittles the work of genuine members of Parliament. Take the example of Chiam, JBJ and Low. They all had a day job still spent hours and days doing constituency work. Low even attends funerals without talking about it. And he has a business to run.
Both Sam and I specifically mentioned the Westminster Model because we know that US politicians in Senate and Congress are full-time. That is the reason why lobby groups in the US are big business because these politicians have no clue about the outside world. The Medical, Pharmaceutical etc are multi-dollar business in the US with offices staffed with hundred of people in Washington just to hold each Rep and Senators hand. The Singapore government also engages lobby firms in the US to look after out interest.
Murali is an idiot for using the term part-time. It belittles the work of genuine members of Parliament. Take the example of Chiam, JBJ and Low. They all had a day job still spent hours and days doing constituency work. Low even attends funerals without talking about it. And he has a business to run.
Just because you are a full time MP does not mean you have stopped being a lawyer, doctor, etc. A wide range of professions represented in the Parliament is desirable. But this is increasingly becoming extinct as more and more politicians in singapore are coming from just one profession. i.e. Soldiering. In many countries, MPs that are professionals in their respective fields before joining politics, continue to use their private practice know how in the politics. For example, a MP who was an accountant or financial planner in private life can be assigned or nominated for Parliamentary finance or budget committee. Do you see this happening in the Parliament? You don't see it at all. Therefore, your comments about how its good to have a diverse profession in Parliament means didily shit as their collective knowledge is not being utilized at all. Once in Parliament, they toe the party line, and they are not consulted on govt policies that concern their areas of expertise. In other words, they vote the way they are told. So, you theory is nice, but flawed in singapore.
In many countries, MPs and other politicians are paid only a small allowance. maybe a couple of thousands $ a month. And they are usually councilors or mayors running a town. these clowns are running a country. They have to vote on matters of national concern like laws and national budgets. They are equivalent to a US Senator or Representative in the US. Kindly point out to me which one in the US Senate is doing it on a part time basis. In any case, if they are paid a small stipend, then its totally understandable that they retain their other jobs. this is not the case here. An MP is paid well enough never to work at another job. If they want to know what is wrong in their ward, and what is going on, they can't be in an aircon office on the 30th floor meeting millionaire clients. that is not the reality of their constituents.