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Mum Of Taiwanese Actress Wears See-Through Dress & Bikini To Daughter’s Wedding



Mum Of Taiwanese Actress Wears See-Through Dress & Bikini To Daughter’s Wedding​

Was this appropriate dressing for a wedding?
Bryan Wong
Bryan Wong
06 Jun 2024 at 11:45
Mum Of Taiwanese Actress Wears See-Through Dress & Bikini To Daughter’s Wedding

When it comes to weddings, there are a few unspoken rules when it comes to dress code.
Number one: Do not wear anything to outshine the happy couple.
But the memo was lost on Pauline, the 57-year-old mum of Taiwanese actress Jin Cheng, who rocked up to her daughter's nuptials in a sheer crystal mesh dress and a blue bikini.
Jin Cheng married German actress Aky Niwa in April.
According to Pauline, she had planned to wear a white gown, but Jin Cheng begged her not to, and so she went with another bold choice.
Netizens, of course, took issue with Pauline’s brazen outfit, with many saying she had no respect for the wedding couple.
“That’s so inappropriate,” commented a netizen while another said: “You are not the bride and that is not elegant at all.”
We also wonder what Aky’s mum, who had on a red cocktail dress, thought about Pauline’s outfit?
However, some praised Pauline for looking amazing, with one saying, “If you have it, flaunt it!”.
Most of all, Jin Cheng did not seem to have an issue with Pauline’s outfit, and in a post to social media, thanked her mum, writing: “There is no us without you.”
If the happy couple approves, who are we to criticise?
Jin Cheng (second to right) told her mum, Pauline (far right) not to upstage her and wife, Aky Niwa (second to left).

Photos: Boredpanda, Daily Star



Mum Of Taiwanese Actress Wears See-Through Dress & Bikini To Daughter’s Wedding​

Was this appropriate dressing for a wedding?
Bryan Wong
Bryan Wong
06 Jun 2024 at 11:45
Mum Of Taiwanese Actress Wears See-Through Dress & Bikini To Daughter’s Wedding
When it comes to weddings, there are a few unspoken rules when it comes to dress code.
Number one: Do not wear anything to outshine the happy couple.
But the memo was lost on Pauline, the 57-year-old mum of Taiwanese actress Jin Cheng, who rocked up to her daughter's nuptials in a sheer crystal mesh dress and a blue bikini.
Jin Cheng married German actress Aky Niwa in April.
According to Pauline, she had planned to wear a white gown, but Jin Cheng begged her not to, and so she went with another bold choice.
Netizens, of course, took issue with Pauline’s brazen outfit, with many saying she had no respect for the wedding couple.
“That’s so inappropriate,” commented a netizen while another said: “You are not the bride and that is not elegant at all.”
We also wonder what Aky’s mum, who had on a red cocktail dress, thought about Pauline’s outfit?
However, some praised Pauline for looking amazing, with one saying, “If you have it, flaunt it!”.
Most of all, Jin Cheng did not seem to have an issue with Pauline’s outfit, and in a post to social media, thanked her mum, writing: “There is no us without you.”
If the happy couple approves, who are we to criticise?
Jin Cheng (second to right) told her mum, Pauline (far right) not to upstage her and wife, Aky Niwa (second to left).
Photos: Boredpanda, Daily Star

Knn lah this type is confirmed bona fide lao chio with her lao cheebye still in 100% functional mode and any dick size big small or color white black BBC also can take coz inside is super super wet wet one !!

Aside, her dotter is chao lesbo so this kind of family is seriously dysfunctional and who knows at nite all 3P with dotter and DIL all play cheebyes only Haha.