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Multiple explosions heard all over Tiong-Cock. Commie dogs here steamed or not ?

syed putra

They celebrate deepavalee too?
Probably sonic boom from new hypersonic missile under test.
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Singapore Dancing Spirit

This happened in Henan, Anhui, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and other places in the last few days.

⚠️ China's has closed down censoring facts and truths as they are all covered up and hidden. These are self-taken by netizens videos sent out to USA and then using YouTube to send the mainland people to speak out, expose the truth


what do the chinese words mean?
civil war?



Alfrescian (Inf)
China will shut its door and behaving like North Korea under new communist rule

George Yeo, Kishore, Dickson Yeo etc should all go there and not come back.

And shut down these three places: Confucius Institute, China Cultural Centre (Queen Street), 150 Tanglin Road.