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MUIS Asked Muslim to Take Up Vaccine But falls short to confirm that the vaccine is halal


Alfrescian (Inf)
All the hotels in Singapore are non halal and serving pork. Why MUIS never inform Muslim not to stay in hotels in Singapore ?

syed putra

Cannot touch pork eaters. Even if vaccine is halal, the person who handles the jab cannot be chinese as must be halal.


strange. why muslims have to listen to MUIS? they cannot judge themselves whether to take vaccine or not to take vaccine? no brain to think for themselves ?


strange. why muslims have to listen to MUIS? they cannot judge themselves whether to take vaccine or not to take vaccine? no brain to think for themselves ?
Not that they cannot judge and decide for themselves. Most of them have an opinion on whether to take it or not.

It is MUIS, being the skank they are, wanting to force, or at least brainwash Muslims into taking for whatever is, their agenda.


MUIS should tell the muslims that the vaccines are derived from mosquitoes. That way Singapore will be dengue free as all muslims will be busy hunting mosquitoes to make mosquitoes rendang dish. :biggrin:

syed putra

strange. why muslims have to listen to MUIS? they cannot judge themselves whether to take vaccine or not to take vaccine? no brain to think for themselves ?
That's because they are believers in religion and forsake God. Whatever priests of religion tells them, they just simply follow without thinking. Like those IS supporters.