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Msian PeeR Has A Reminder for Sporns!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Warning by FTrash leh! *shivers* *balls dropped*? :eek:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>http://www.straitstimes.com/ST%2BForum/Story/STIStory_275631.html
</TD></TR><TR><TD><!-- headline one : start --></TD></TR><TR><TD>Please give PRs a break

</TD></TR><TR><TD><!-- headline one : end --></TD></TR><TR><TD><!-- show image if available --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->I HAVE lived in Singapore for four years, working in a restructured hospital. I got my permanent residence (PR) only after living here for eight months. I am bonded to the hospital for six years because it sponsored my education to be a radiographer in Australia, and for this I am grateful to my employer. I got married in Australia at the end of my studies, and my husband and I moved to Singapore. Soon we started a family. My daughter is now nearly three. All three of us are PRs. My husband and daughter are Australian, and I am Malaysian.

Nearly half my colleagues are also PRs or work permit holders, or 'foreigners' for short. I guess my colleagues and I are 'foreign workers' because we don't live in a condo and earn a five-digit salary. Those who do are called 'expatriates'.

The purpose of this letter is to remind Singaporeans that middle-class 'foreign workers' exist in this country. We are your nurses, bank executives, IT professionals and so on. We pay taxes, contribute to CPF and send our children to childcare. And when our male children turn 18, they are liable for national service.

=> Liable only hor! Have not actually served hor! And start to ask for the sky and ptui at citizens already leh! Thank you, 66% coolie rice bowlers for supporting the Familee regardless!

So why are we always left out? We are not allowed to buy HDB flats because Singaporeans think we can afford condos. Now some even say we shouldn't be allowed to buy resale flats because property prices are so high. So the rest of us have to rent HDB flats. Then you cut medical subsidies at polyclinics because citizens think it is not fair that we get the same benefit as them. And from next year, there will be no childcare subsidies for PRs because citizens think we shouldn't enjoy such benefits.

So why did I became a PR? I am thinking of staying in Singapore permanently. We feel more comfortable in an Asian country and Singapore has a lot to offer. But being from another country will always be a stigma. Most of us choose not to become citizens because we still have family in our home country and we still want to visit them regularly.


We came to Singapore seeking a better life. We have a home here but we need to be reminded of our roots.


So why are we penalised? Now that the childcare subsidy has been doubled, can't PRs get at least half the amount? We should be entitled to at least half the benefits a citizen gets. In Britain and Australia, PRs enjoy the same benefits as citizens, except the right to vote. If the Government does not want to hand out freebies to so many PRs, tighten the requirements to become a PR.


Chan Mei Kuen (Ms)

Man in the streets

KNN, come sinkapore, and now under the protection of PAP, they are so yaya already.

i thought Fts are here to create jobs, chee-bye chan now tells us they are here to take away jobs from sinkaporeans.

so we know sg PR is cheap skate thingy, giving out like toilet papers.

Chan has exposed PAP lies liao . KNNccb!
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Alfrescian (Inf)
It's a matter of time violence will break out between Sporns and large groups of FTrash, resulting in riots and civil war. Expect the Familee to take the first flight out of Peesai with the remaining gold bars.

Man in the streets

Hoot ah ! KNLBCCB !
Good if one day can whack these people in the streets without the PAP police.
Riots are welcome, only bloodshed can solve problems in see-kapore liao !

It's a matter of time violence will break out between Sporns and large groups of FTrash, resulting in riots and civil war. Expect the Familee to take the first flight out of Peesai with the remaining gold bars.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Really funny. If PR want to get same benefit as citizen, they can convert to Singapore Citizen. But they doesn't want to convert is theirs choice still want to complaint. If she come out speak out loud. Sure kena spit until she drown.


this are the kind of retards who take up PR and make their sons serve NS. Wont be surprise if sons come back with M16 and shoot their parents for making them serve NS.


So why did I became a PR? I am thinking of staying in Singapore permanently.

I believe she is also an Australian PR. After making enough $$$ here, she will bring her daughter back to Australia to study the Uni there and enjoy her retirement with her husband. Many s'poreans are doing just that.


If singapore is to tighten the standard of PR citeria , i think she will not even sniff any oppourunity.

Judging by the way she write her letter !


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgF noWrap align=right width="1%">From: </TD><TD class=msgFname noWrap width="68%">kojakbt30 <NOBR></NOBR> </TD><TD class=msgDate noWrap align=right width="30%">3:16 am </TD></TR><TR class=msghead><TD class=msgT noWrap align=right width="1%" height=20>To: </TD><TD class=msgTname noWrap width="68%">ALL <NOBR></NOBR></TD><TD class=msgNum noWrap align=right> (5 of 24) </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgleft width="1%" rowSpan=4> </TD><TD class=wintiny noWrap align=right>1077.5 in reply to 1077.1 </TD></TR><TR><TD height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD class=msgtxt>I got married in Australia at the end of my studies, and my husband and I moved to Singapore. Soon we started a family. My daughter is now nearly three. All three of us are PRs. My husband and daughter are Australian, and I am Malaysian.
Take note: married to an Australian. Which means they will enjoy the benefits and welfares of Australia when they go back there!

The purpose of this letter is to remind Singaporeans that middle-class 'foreign workers' exist in this country. We are your nurses, bank executives, IT professionals and so on. We pay taxes, contribute to CPF and send our children to childcare. And when our male children turn 18, they are liable for national service.
This is wrong! No sons of PRs need to serve NS MANDATORY. Sons of PRs are also PRs and are citizens of other countries. Singapore does not have the rights to concsript them! The only thing is, if their sons decide not to serve NS, they will lose their PRs. NO BIG DEAL cause they can always come back as FTs on EPs.

So why are we always left out? We are not allowed to buy HDB flats because Singaporeans think we can afford condos. Now some even say we shouldn't be allowed to buy resale flats because property prices are so high. So the rest of us have to rent HDB flats.
As it is, our stupid PAP govt is on your side, Ms Chan. PAP allows u to buy HDB resale. If I have my way, I would say to hell with u. Go rent flats. If you want to buy HDBs, convert to Singaporean citizenship! Which means if next time u got a son, he's got to serve NS!
Then you cut medical subsidies at polyclinics because citizens think it is not fair that we get the same benefit as them.
Ms Chan, pls open your eye wide:
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=400 border=1><CAPTION>Table 1. Revision of subsidies for permanent residents</CAPTION><TBODY><TR><TD width=100>Type of ward,

</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle colSpan=3>Subsidy level</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD>Citizen</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle colSpan=2>Permanent resident</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD><TD width=100> </TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle>October 2007</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle>October 2008</TD></TR><TR><TD>Class B1</TD><TD>20%</TD><TD width=100>15%</TD><TD width=100>10%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Class B2</TD><TD>65%</TD><TD>60%</TD><TD>55%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Class C</TD><TD>80%</TD><TD>75%</TD><TD>70%</TD></TR><TR><TD>Day Surgery</TD><TD>65%</TD><TD>60%</TD><TD>55%</TD></TR><TR><TD width=100>Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOC)</TD><TD>50%</TD><TD>45%</TD><TD>40%</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Do u see any big difference in subsidies? If ever anyone wants to complain, it's us citizens! Cause we should demand even more subsidies!
So why did I became a PR? I am thinking of staying in Singapore permanently. We feel more comfortable in an Asian country and Singapore has a lot to offer. But being from another country will always be a stigma. Most of us choose not to become citizens because we still have family in our home country and we still want to visit them regularly.
What a load of crap! You can still visit your family in your home country easily even if you are a Singaporean. What's the problem? Let's be frank. you are just trying to exploit the best of all systems (I don't blame you). Cause when your family goes back to Australia one day, you get good welfare treatment from Australia!
And please also dont give crap about wanting to become a PR because u wanna stay in Singapore permanently. If u want to stay in SG permanently, then convert to Singaporean. Your real reason for becoming a PR is: there is less hassle if you change jobs. If you dont have PRs and u lose a job, you will have to leave Singapore if you are a work pass holder. Don't cum BS us here!
We came to Singapore seeking a better life. We have a home here but we need to be reminded of our roots.
Yeah, when the time comes, you will move back to Australia to get your welfare benefits. Again, not that I am against it, sure, everyone would want the best for himself or herslef in this world. But what I'm against, Ms Chan, is hypocrites like u. Talk big #### but the suface is not what it seems to be.

So why are we penalised? Now that the childcare subsidy has been doubled, can't PRs get at least half the amount? We should be entitled to at least half the benefits a citizen gets. In Britain and Australia, PRs enjoy the same benefits as citizens, except the right to vote. If the Government does not want to hand out freebies to so many PRs, tighten the requirements to become a PR.
Yes, we should tighten the requirement of PR long time ago! KNNBCCB!


That little bit of differences in subsidies between PRs and citizens is merely a symbolic gestures from the govt to appease the citizenry.

She enjoys so many life choices and yet still grumbles about that little bit of differences. How about the free education she got from her employer? Isn't that a huge subsidy to her? She said she felt grateful but apparently still not satisfied.


I have a strange feeling on the reason why the 146th is airing so many of these "letters from PR's", lately. Nothing stirs up so much emotions from Singaporeans than letters like these and my gut feeling that this was done with a purpose.

If you read the outburst of posts by citizens in the 146th forum following the letter, you will find many defending the so-called priviledges from our gahmen for the citizens. How much difference is the treatment between a citizen and a PR, while a citizen has to make so many sacrifices?

As makapaa has shown above, the so-called priviledges for citizens is just a small difference. Why are we even giving so much subsidies to PR's?

Some of those who posted in the 146th forum have even praised the gahmen for distinguishing citizens from PR's based on these priviledges.

Is this not a propaganda coup for the MIW when they get these kind of outbursts in the 146th? Something like reminding citizens to be grateful for the handouts from the MIW with help from the 146th?


Alfrescian (Inf)
I have a strange feeling on the reason why the 146th is airing so many of these "letters from PR's", lately. Nothing stirs up so much emotions from Singaporeans than letters like these and my gut feeling that this was done with a purpose.

If you read the outburst of posts by citizens in the 146th forum following the letter, you will find many defending the so-called priviledges from our gahmen for the citizens. How much difference is the treatment between a citizen and a PR, while a citizen has to make so many sacrifices?

As makapaa has shown above, the so-called priviledges for citizens is just a small difference. Why are we even giving so much subsidies to PR's?

Some of those who posted in the 146th forum have even praised the gahmen for distinguishing citizens from PR's based on these priviledges.

Is this not a propaganda coup for the MIW when they get these kind of outbursts in the 146th? Something like reminding citizens to be grateful for the handouts from the MIW with help from the 146th?

Oh, yes. At least 66% would feel proud that the Familee throws one extra peanut into their coolie rice bowl!


The recent posts of PRs demand this, demand that is getting too frequent.

First we have Armpit...asking for HDB subsidy...who stay here less than a year!
and next...another indian FT saying he is rich..staying in condo...
and now...we have a msian chinese....asking for SAME benefits like a citizen.

Funny part this msian chinese went further to compare the benefits in UK...
if UK is so darn good...why not she becomes a PR over there?

Coming here and whine and expect we, citizens ought to bow to her demands?
Geez.... Singaporeans will become minority one fine day.

:cool: :o :cool: