Ginchiyo Tachibana
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</td> </tr> <tr><td class="content_subtitle" align="left"> Thu, Jan 21, 2010
my paper </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="15">
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Porn may not be factor in teen pre-marital sex <!-- TITLE : end--> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" height="15">
</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="3" class="bodytext_10pt"> <!-- CONTENT : start --> I REFER to a recent study by researchers from the DSC Clinic, the National Healthcare Group, National University of Singapore and Singapore General Hospital. They interviewed 500 sexually active teens aged 14 to 19. The results revealed that about 95 per cent of the boys had watched pornography, compared to 79 per cent of non-sexually active teens.
Also, 22.5 per cent of sexually active girls had a history of sexual abuse, compared to 3 per cent of non-sexually active girls. What is interesting about the study is that it does not establish causality, but suggests that pornography is a factor in teenagers engaging in premarital sex. However, it may seem so because sexually active teens are more interested in sex and therefore more likely to seek out pornography.
Also, they may be more willing to admit that they view porn, compared to those who are not sexually active or are less sexually aware. There are studies which argue that porn does not promote aggressive sexual behaviour. There are also men and women who view porn but are not sexually aggressive. Porn viewing does not always lead to addiction and harmful behaviour.
There are many couples who view pornography together to enhance their sex lives. I am also curious how the girls interviewed defined abuse and the sort of porn they are interested in. There certainly needs to be more dialogue on sex and sexuality in our society.
The writer is a clinical sexologist and holds a doctorate in human sexuality.

my paper </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="15">

Porn may not be factor in teen pre-marital sex <!-- TITLE : end--> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="3" height="15">

Also, 22.5 per cent of sexually active girls had a history of sexual abuse, compared to 3 per cent of non-sexually active girls. What is interesting about the study is that it does not establish causality, but suggests that pornography is a factor in teenagers engaging in premarital sex. However, it may seem so because sexually active teens are more interested in sex and therefore more likely to seek out pornography.
Also, they may be more willing to admit that they view porn, compared to those who are not sexually active or are less sexually aware. There are studies which argue that porn does not promote aggressive sexual behaviour. There are also men and women who view porn but are not sexually aggressive. Porn viewing does not always lead to addiction and harmful behaviour.
There are many couples who view pornography together to enhance their sex lives. I am also curious how the girls interviewed defined abuse and the sort of porn they are interested in. There certainly needs to be more dialogue on sex and sexuality in our society.
The writer is a clinical sexologist and holds a doctorate in human sexuality.