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Serious MP Tin Pei Ling Gets Headhunted To Join Fintech Company MetaComp Just 9 Months After She Joined DCS Card Centre!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE: After about nine months at DCS Card Centre, Member of Parliament Tin Pei Ling joined fintech company MetaComp as its co-president on Monday (Jun 24).

Ms Tin's portfolio will focus on strategic partnerships and corporate development, said MetaComp and its parent company MVGX Holdings in a press release on Tuesday.

MetaComp is a company offering digital payment token services and cross-border money transfers, while MVGXH is a licensed Singaporean fintech group with four subsidiaries focusing on digital and green sectors.

"Her appointment is expected to significantly strengthen MetaComp's strategic partnerships, driving momentum and advancing MetaComp's position as a leader in bridging traditional and crypto finance, paving the way for new partnerships and the growth of our client offerings," the news release read.

In a LinkedIn post on Monday, Ms Tin said: "Sustainability being a critical global imperative, this exciting opportunity allows me to expand my work into green fintech."

"I join MetaComp after bidding farewell to the lovely people at DCS Card Centre. It’s been very rewarding to have learnt so much about the card industry from veterans and to be part of a company that is unafraid of transformation and innovation," she added.

MetaComp chairman and co-founder Bo Bai said Ms Tin's extensive experience and expertise in strategic development make her an "invaluable asset" to the company.

"Her vision and drive perfectly align with our aspirations at MetaComp, and I am confident she will significantly contribute to our continued success," he said.

Ms Tin's new role at MetaComp came less than nine months after the MacPherson MP joined DCS Card Centre, formerly known as Diners Club Singapore. She led strategic partnerships and business development at the company.

Before being hired by DCS Card Centre in October 2023, she worked for ride-hailing company Grab - a move that sparked public scrutiny and questions over potential conflict of interest.

In January 2023, she was appointed as Grab's director of public affairs and policy. After this was announced, she stated that her role as a parliamentarian would be distinct from her role at Grab, adding that she would be "transparent and above board" as to which capacity she was representing at any one time.

But nine days later, she was moved to a corporate development role, with her employer admitting to "significant discourse" over her earlier appointment. Grab noted that going forward, she would not represent the company in public policy discussions with the Singapore government.

She was elected to parliament in 2011, and currently chairs the Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for Communications and Information.

Ms Tin is also a member of the GPC for Culture, Community and Youth, as well as Finance and Trade and Industry.

Prior to joining Grab, she was chief executive officer at Business China, a Singapore non-profit organisation cultivating Singapore-China relationships.



Tin Pot Ling is the exemplar for all millenials to follow. Next time your employer questions you about your resume, just say you learn from this job hopping cunt


First need to be somewhat not ugly and try to snare a PPS.

Then your life is a breeze.

After all she has zero interests or ideas to improve the lives of her constituents.


Old Fart
Am I missing something? Because she certainly doesn't come across as bright or dynamic. Possesses a social science degree in psychology, which is a nothing degree.


No different from foreign cunts job hopping from 1 place to another all less than 1 year if not on contract role, but perm and keep job hopping either candidate or workplace got deep seated cultural issues


Alfrescian (Inf)
Tin exemplies everything that is right with the PAP. The PAP has created opportunity for this lady, just a junior consultant in an accounting firm (breaking the glass ceiling), to became an MP at a young age. The PAP has shown that the sky is the limit for common folk like her. You don't need to be a Lee or a Goh or a Teo to be ahead. The PAP will create opportunities for any sinkee (even naturalized ones from India) who support the party.

What are you waiting for sinkees? Hop onto the gravy train. Learn from Tin Tin. Woof, woof.


Tin exemplies everything that is right with the PAP. The PAP has created opportunity for this lady, just a junior consultant in an accounting firm (breaking the glass ceiling), to became an MP at a young age. The PAP has shown that the sky is the limit for common folk like her. You don't need to be a Lee or a Goh or a Teo to be ahead. The PAP will create opportunities for any sinkee (even naturalized ones from India) who support the party.

What are you waiting for sinkees? Hop onto the gravy train. Learn from Tin Tin. Woof, woof.
Pap create job for their own ppl.
Not common folk


Actually what is Fintech ?
The banks and financial institution appearing on your app ,they open up their doors for your app to use their services and money transfer is call FINTECH ?

WTF ...