Leading horse leading all the way into final stretch. All punters standby at counters to collect money. Will jockey jump horse?
85th min Wendy leading 4-O. Only mother of all kelong will see her lose. Huat ah!
How do you think she became global head? By serving tea?
Pity her husband, who was kept in the dark throughout while everyone was sniggering behind his back.
pap has been preaching about morality but their own MP fucking each other like dogs in the parliament rest rooms?
verdict takes how long?
woh! raging fire in this thread.
please tell more. what do u mean by sex?
colleagues having sex to get promotion and high salary?
CPIB must investigate
so you reported to CPIB alrdy?
eeee fucking a piggy head shaker?
so you reported to CPIB alrdy?
from sgfuck.org
saw Wendy break down in court. say she still love her mommy . cannot understand why family doing this
saw her mommy lawyer laugh................
don't look good..................
lawyers on both sides are laughing their way to the bank.... it's a waste of money. :o