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More white trash stupid sport...


.... what the point of this? Will it make everyone grows taller?

Jump so high for what? Shd be scrapped and play ping pong more healthy sport...



.... what the point of this? Will it make everyone grows taller?

Jump so high for what? Shd be scrapped and play ping pong more healthy sport...

I prefer joola to play ping-pong
I don't understand the value of this sport. It looks, of course, impressive, but the risk of serious injury makes it difficult to be happy for the athletes. Seriously, ping pong is really much better in this regard. Of course, a ping pong ball can fly into the eye or somewhere else, but still, ping pong develops reaction, attention and control over your body
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I like high jump but only in relation to women event. Can see sexy female athletes :biggrin:
