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More pay cuts in January, property market crash deepening


don't fight the trend, dump your property now before the bank does it to you at a bigger loss

National Wages Council to reconvene in January to review guidelines
By Imelda Saad & Valarie Tan, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 16 December 2008 1205 hrs

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Professor Lim Pin

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National Wages Council to reconvene in January to review guidelines

SINGAPORE: The National Wages Council (NWC) will reconvene in January 2009 to review its wage guidelines issued in May this year.

This follows Singapore's weakening economic growth as a result of the global financial crisis.

In May, the council had recommended that companies grant built-in wage increases commensurate with performance as well as business prospects to ensure such increases would be sustainable.

It also asked companies to consider giving a one-off special lump sum payment to rank-and-file workers to help cope with the high inflation.

Other recommendations included pushing for productivity improvement; enhancing the employability of older workers; enhancing efforts to help low wage, contract and informal workers; and enhancing wage flexibility.

The Manpower Ministry (MOM) said these guidelines were made under a more favourable economic environment with a GDP growth forecast of between 4 and 6 per cent for 2008, while taking into account the global economic uncertainty and high inflation.

Since then, the Trade and Industry Ministry (MTI) has moderated the growth forecast to around 2.5 per cent for 2008 and between -1 and 2 per cent for 2009.

MOM said an increasing number of companies are also facing issues of low demand and overcapacity, and are looking at cost-cutting measures to cope with the severe business downturn.

NWC chairman, Professor Lim Pin, said: "Given the weakening economic situation, there is a need for the NWC to take stock of the new situation and review its May guidelines to help companies and workers manage the downturn."

Analysts agreed that the move comes at a right time.

Derek Berry, head, Human Capital (ASEAN), Mercer, said: "They would want to try to find a way to protect the lower paid workers. They'd want to retain and maximise employment.

"The guidelines are expected to say, if you're going to reduce pay, then do it at the senior levels. If you can, use the variable component of pay to actually reduce costs for organisations so that they can retain as many employees as possible in difficult times."

One observer said companies may trim base pay as well if the variable component is small and it is possible that the council will recommend wage cuts or hold back increments.

During the Asian financial crisis some ten years ago, NWC recommended wage cuts of between 5 and 8 per cent.

In 2001, it revised guidelines again after the 9-11 incident in the United States and called on companies to use retrenchment as a last resort. That year, the council also said companies may initiate wage freezes or cuts to deal with the slowdown.

NWC is expected to release its recommendations by mid-January. Even though it is not compulsory for companies to follow the guidelines strictly, the recommendations are expected to set the direction for wage policies.


Alfrescian (Inf)

U always guess it right! Boring sia...*zzzz*


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
what property crash? don't talk nonsense lah! singapore is as solid as a rock! we have so much cash and so much reserves here. nothing will happen to singapore. we will pull throught his Big Lie created by fartup WALL Street con men!!!KNN!!!


This CPF cut talk is gaining momentum. Seems that it will take place. That's wonderful news because property prices will head further south since many people every month just barely enough and now squeezed

This situation is wonderful. Right now the Dow continues to retreat despite Fed record cuts.

I have great hope for the future. This news is unbelievably good

I am in a very small minority but nature will take its course and this is just great


Investment owners will fall on their knees and beg for mercy in the coming year as they the value of their investment diminish on a daily basis and wonder when the pain will end

The pain will end when you see the light


New Member
I'm just amazed at how the property market has kind of hung on despite the falling economy. Then again, let's see how things unfold next year. :rolleyes:


Next year will slide as those sacked run out of retrenchment benefits and more jobs lost

But it is not something to fear, it is something to celebrate

Let Singaporeans rediscover the joys of kampung spirit and humility

The only sad thing is that prices are not falling faster and people not reaping the beneifts of less pride sooner


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
the property market will not crush. the gahment will make sure the properties remain as they are or just lower a bit.but a complete collapse is unthinkable. the prices must hold.otherwise, everything will collapse like the massive subprime collapse in america - the land of the demons, cheats and con men.


This CPF cut talk is gaining momentum. Seems that it will take place. That's wonderful news because property prices will head further south since many people every month just barely enough and now squeezed

This situation is wonderful. Right now the Dow continues to retreat despite Fed record cuts.

I have great hope for the future. This news is unbelievably good

I am in a very small minority but nature will take its course and this is just great

Couldnt agree with you more. For peasants who just committed to their $600K Pinnacle Pigeon Hole, you better dont get retrenched. At these prices, it makes no sense to purchase one & leave practically nothing in your CPF.
Im just surprised by the confidence, Sinkieporeans have for the future. Theyre just spending tomorrow's money, today.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
don't worry too much lah. there's nothing much we peasants can do. let our great leaders lead us to safety, to recovery and to prosperity. we are lucky and blessed to have committed and dedicated leaders.

today, min khaw reassured everyone our town councils are safe. our money is safe. our savings are secured. don't worry. we are stable. our sinking funds are not sinking but floating. we are safe. your money is safe.

so why worry? go out and give yourself a christmas and new year treat lah!!!cheers!!! and majulah singapura!!! we are safe woh!!!