This entire COVID episode gives the world the opportunity to realize the exact state-of-condition we're in.
1. The ridiculous case of incompetencies of governments in the face of a non lethal or fake pandemic fuel through fear mongering by Social and State controlled Media. The twist and turns trying to shift blame onto others and never themselves.
2. The sad case of the people without even the least 'a collective voice' being robbed of their freedom, integrity, livelihood and survivability..
Within 100 days there's so much datas, facts and reports from Scientists, Doctors and professionals etc if collectively studied will show the absolute truth but nothing solid materialized except fear and more fear mongering surfaces.
Conspiracy theories of all forms, shape and sizes giving false hope while the people sink deeper into
recessions and hopelessness.
If enough people realized the truth, salvation will happen that's the will of the people. It is the nature or how the way of things works but just wait and see there is more ignorance in this world than you'll ever dreamt of, this has been the state-of-being for thousands of years the same old same old.
Deliverance will come soon enough but don't hold your breath just yet. Meanwhile enjoy the show it's DOGMAS at its best, nevertheless an achievement too. lol.......