This is defeatist mentality. I think this is reflective of wider middle eastern countries failures to conquer Europe in 2500 years. I mean, let's think about it, in freaking 2,500 years entire middle east incl north africa caucasus central asia iran turkey afghanistna pakistan and ceca virus included although ceca virus are NOT middle eastern, NEVER managed to conquer all of europe.
Just imagine. How pathetic are these lots. But was the reverse true? Conversely, we would have expected all these countries to have never been conquered by europeans in last 2500 years but was that true? In fact, ceca were ruled by their Muslim masters for 1000 years and by their British masters for 200 years. What's more, North Africans and Middle Easterners all the way to Iran and Anatolia were conquered by Romans and/or Greeks. That says enough.
Just imagine. In all of turkey COMBINED, there is no such thing as martial arts.

even lowly asean countries got their own martial arts. thais got muay thai, melayun and indon got silat/pencak. and in some quarters, a sepak takraw rally is considered unbelievable, mind boggling. they even call it "unrealistic".

But not all countries are same. Some countries, Muslim countries, were never conquered by the heathen Mongol kuffar inferior subhuman rats for even 1 nanosecond, and by any kafir europeans for 1 nanosecond before Industrial Revolution either.
Not everyone's history is the same.
Not everyone's potential is the same.