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MOH rebuts claims of ‘adverse effects’ of Covid-19 vaccines



MOH rebuts claims of ‘adverse effects’ of Covid-19 vaccines​


MOH said all vaccines carry some risk, but the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse. ST PHOTO: KUA CHEE SIONG

Salma Khalik
Senior Health Correspondent

JUN 03, 2024, 05:14 PM

SINGAPORE – The Ministry of Health (MOH) has issued a strong rebuttal against a call made by the People’s Power Party (PPP) to temporarily suspend Covid-19 vaccination “in response to an increasing number of reports indicating significant adverse effects” of such vaccines.

The PPP had issued the statement on May 29, quoting eight people it named as experts, warning of the dangers of the vaccine.

MOH refuted those claims on June 3, saying that it “categorically rejects these egregious and false claims” by “these so-called experts”.

It also pointed out that the PPP’s list of scientific articles “were mostly from the same group of authors, including some who have been reported to be promoting messages against Covid-19 vaccination”.

The ministry said all vaccines carry some risk, but the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse.

“In a pandemic of this nature, excess deaths are inevitable. The primary reason why Singapore recorded one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic is because the majority of Singaporeans took the vaccines,” it said.

Excess deaths refers to higher rates of deaths than would normally be the case.

MOH added that during the wave caused by the JN.1 variant, which peaked in December 2023, the number of people aged 60 years and older who were not vaccinated and needed hospitalisation and/or intensive care was almost double that of their peers who were up to date with their vaccinations.

The ministry acknowledged that the mRNA vaccine can cause myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle; and pericarditis, or the swelling of the tissue surrounding the heart, in young men aged 18 to 29 years.

But it said that it remains safer for these young men to get vaccinated as real world data from the United States show that getting Covid-19 infection pushed up their risk of getting these conditions by seven to eight times.
“There is a very large body of scientific evidence that overwhelmingly shows that the protection from Covid-19 vaccines outweighs the side effects,” MOH said.
“Yet, several groups continue to spread misinformation, either by quoting scientific literature out of context or sharing materials from non-credible sources who cannot be held accountable, to cast doubts on the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.”
It added that it has been transparent in reporting the incidence of side effects.
As for PPP’s claim of excess deaths linked to high vaccination rates, the MOH said most of the excess deaths were caused by the pandemic, and that vaccination reduces the risk of death.
“Of the Covid-19 deaths, there was an over-representation of persons who were not fully vaccinated, reflecting that they were more likely to die from Covid-19 infection compared to persons who were fully vaccinated.”
Furthermore, the vaccine, it said, protects against severe illness and so reduces the incidence of long Covid, a term referring to debilitating effects from an infection that could last months, or longer, such as loss of taste, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath and joint pain.
Covid-19 hospitalisations rise to 280 over past week amid wave
What are the FLiRT Covid-19 variants and are they more contagious?
Covid-19 infection can also cause complications relating to the heart and brain.
MOH said people “need to draw the right conclusions and follow the scientific evidence”.
Several examples given by the PPP were either not written by the authors they cited, or their work had been debunked, said the MOH.
For example, the PPP cited Dr Peter McCullough, who claimed that the risks of myocarditis outweigh the benefits of vaccination.
MOH said his article, A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination, was removed by Preprints With The Lancet. The reason given was “the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology”. The Lancet journal said preprints “are early stage research papers that have not been peer-reviewed”.
Regarding the claim made by Dr Geert Vanden Bosshe, a virologist from Belgium, that mass vaccinations expedited the evolution of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, MOH said that viruses naturally mutate as they replicate, and that there is no evidence that the mRNA vaccines contributed to evolution.
Three others mentioned by the PPP – Dr Robert Malone, Dr Aseem Malhotra and Professor Angus Dalgleish – did not author the articles which the PPP had quoted them as saying.
In mid-May, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung warned that Singapore was facing an upsurge in Covid-19, which he expected to peak towards the end of June. At that time, about 250 people were hospitalised for Covid-19 each day.
Looking back at the pandemic, which raged globally for more than two years from 2020, the ministry said: “The primary reason why Singapore recorded one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic is because the majority of Singaporeans took the vaccines.
“The high level of vaccine protection in our society averted many Covid-related deaths, protected our healthcare system from being overwhelmed, and allowed us to preserve lives and livelihoods. The normalcy in our daily lives today is in large part due to the protection that Covid-19 vaccines provide.”
The Covid-19 vaccine remains free for all eligible residents at 250 Healthier SG clinics and at five joint testing and vaccination centres, and selected polyclinics.



MOH rebuts claims of ‘adverse effects’ of Covid-19 vaccines​


MOH said all vaccines carry some risk, but the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse. ST PHOTO: KUA CHEE SIONG

Salma Khalik
Senior Health Correspondent

JUN 03, 2024, 05:14 PM

SINGAPORE – The Ministry of Health (MOH) has issued a strong rebuttal against a call made by the People’s Power Party (PPP) to temporarily suspend Covid-19 vaccination “in response to an increasing number of reports indicating significant adverse effects” of such vaccines.

The PPP had issued the statement on May 29, quoting eight people it named as experts, warning of the dangers of the vaccine.

MOH refuted those claims on June 3, saying that it “categorically rejects these egregious and false claims” by “these so-called experts”.

It also pointed out that the PPP’s list of scientific articles “were mostly from the same group of authors, including some who have been reported to be promoting messages against Covid-19 vaccination”.

The ministry said all vaccines carry some risk, but the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse.

“In a pandemic of this nature, excess deaths are inevitable. The primary reason why Singapore recorded one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic is because the majority of Singaporeans took the vaccines,” it said.

Excess deaths refers to higher rates of deaths than would normally be the case.

MOH added that during the wave caused by the JN.1 variant, which peaked in December 2023, the number of people aged 60 years and older who were not vaccinated and needed hospitalisation and/or intensive care was almost double that of their peers who were up to date with their vaccinations.

The ministry acknowledged that the mRNA vaccine can cause myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle; and pericarditis, or the swelling of the tissue surrounding the heart, in young men aged 18 to 29 years.

But it said that it remains safer for these young men to get vaccinated as real world data from the United States show that getting Covid-19 infection pushed up their risk of getting these conditions by seven to eight times.
“There is a very large body of scientific evidence that overwhelmingly shows that the protection from Covid-19 vaccines outweighs the side effects,” MOH said.
“Yet, several groups continue to spread misinformation, either by quoting scientific literature out of context or sharing materials from non-credible sources who cannot be held accountable, to cast doubts on the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines.”
It added that it has been transparent in reporting the incidence of side effects.
As for PPP’s claim of excess deaths linked to high vaccination rates, the MOH said most of the excess deaths were caused by the pandemic, and that vaccination reduces the risk of death.
“Of the Covid-19 deaths, there was an over-representation of persons who were not fully vaccinated, reflecting that they were more likely to die from Covid-19 infection compared to persons who were fully vaccinated.”
Furthermore, the vaccine, it said, protects against severe illness and so reduces the incidence of long Covid, a term referring to debilitating effects from an infection that could last months, or longer, such as loss of taste, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath and joint pain.
Covid-19 hospitalisations rise to 280 over past week amid wave
What are the FLiRT Covid-19 variants and are they more contagious?
Covid-19 infection can also cause complications relating to the heart and brain.
MOH said people “need to draw the right conclusions and follow the scientific evidence”.
Several examples given by the PPP were either not written by the authors they cited, or their work had been debunked, said the MOH.
For example, the PPP cited Dr Peter McCullough, who claimed that the risks of myocarditis outweigh the benefits of vaccination.
MOH said his article, A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after Covid-19 Vaccination, was removed by Preprints With The Lancet. The reason given was “the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology”. The Lancet journal said preprints “are early stage research papers that have not been peer-reviewed”.
Regarding the claim made by Dr Geert Vanden Bosshe, a virologist from Belgium, that mass vaccinations expedited the evolution of the Sars-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, MOH said that viruses naturally mutate as they replicate, and that there is no evidence that the mRNA vaccines contributed to evolution.
Three others mentioned by the PPP – Dr Robert Malone, Dr Aseem Malhotra and Professor Angus Dalgleish – did not author the articles which the PPP had quoted them as saying.
In mid-May, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung warned that Singapore was facing an upsurge in Covid-19, which he expected to peak towards the end of June. At that time, about 250 people were hospitalised for Covid-19 each day.
Looking back at the pandemic, which raged globally for more than two years from 2020, the ministry said: “The primary reason why Singapore recorded one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic is because the majority of Singaporeans took the vaccines.
“The high level of vaccine protection in our society averted many Covid-related deaths, protected our healthcare system from being overwhelmed, and allowed us to preserve lives and livelihoods. The normalcy in our daily lives today is in large part due to the protection that Covid-19 vaccines provide.”
The Covid-19 vaccine remains free for all eligible residents at 250 Healthier SG clinics and at five joint testing and vaccination centres, and selected polyclinics.
Reverse rebuttal. Tiok hoot by Aussie...

In a state-funded media response, MOH dismissed warnings from nine prominent experts, including Peter McCullough and Robert Malone, about the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. MOH's rebuttal came after an opposition party leader called for the suspension of these vaccines. The article argues that the MOH's statements are misinformation, offering a point-by-point rebuttal supported by various studies and data.

Key contentions include the MOH's claims that the vaccines have minimal side effects, that treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are discredited, and that myocarditis risk is lower after vaccination than COVID-19 infection. The author cites studies showing severe vaccine side effects, potential autoimmune issues from repeated vaccinations, and post-vaccination myocarditis in children. Additionally, the author provides evidence supporting the efficacy of the disputed treatments.

The article also defends the credibility of the experts, arguing against attempts to discredit them based on their specialties or past statements. It suggests that Dr. Jessica Rose's paper on myocarditis was likely censored rather than withdrawn. Furthermore, the author disputes Singapore's claim of having one of the lowest excess death rates, presenting data showing they had the highest in Q2 2023.

Notably, the author points out that both sides rely on simulations to support their arguments—Dr. James Thorp's study on vaccine harms to pregnant women and the MOH's claim that vaccines saved 19.8 million lives. The article concludes by questioning the transparency of data on miscarriages in Singapore, suggesting they may be linked to declining birth rates.


Wow! Singapore's Ministry of Health Outright Dismisses Expert Opinions from McCullough, Malone, Angus Dalgleish, Aseem Malhotra, and More!​

“In fact, 19.8 million deaths from COVID-19 were prevented globally within the first 12 months that vaccines became available (from December 2020 to December 2021)”, said MOH.​

Jun 03, 2024

Well, this story is really interesting because Singapore’s Ministry of Health simply pushed aside the opinion of NINE experts who have been alerting the public about the dangers of the mRNA gene therapy in an article using the state-funded media “Channel News Asia”.

Let me give you a little history of what transpired.

The leader of Singapore’s opposition party (People’s Power Party), Mr. Goh Meng Seng, last week released a press release calling for the suspension of the COVID mRNA vaccines. The Press Statement on can be read in full here.

Singapore’s Ministry of Health decided to issue a long statement, but unfortunately, we do not know who the anonymous experts are behind the statement, which I suspect is just a bunch of bureaucrats. Anyway, let’s debunk the misinformation peddled by Singapore’s Ministry of Health.

For now, these are all my opinions, but I have tagged the experts that the article discredited for comments on my Twitter post, and I will update this page if they respond. I think it is only fair to give people the opportunity to respond if you are labeling their opinions as misinformation, rather than taking your own words as gospel truth. Don’t you think so, Mr. Anonymous hiding behind the “Ministry of Health” in Singapore?

Anyway, here are some of the statements the the MInistry of Health issued, which I think are misinformation.

(Dr Peter McCullough) “Promoted misinformation about COVID-19, its treatments and mRNA vaccines, such as mRNA vaccines caused a wave of severe side effects and called for the vaccines to be banned.”
Pfizer’s product indeed caused severe side effects in the range of 1 in 800. Severe side effects mean permanent disabilities, hospitalization, or death. We are not talking about a sore arm here! This was in the study by Fraiman et al. using Pfizer’s own initial clinical trial data.

Uverksy et al found that repeated vaccinations induces IgG4 antibodies which “may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.” There are now up to more than 10 IgG4 related studies so I urge the experts at Ministry of Health to do some research.

(Dr Peter McCullough) “Advocated for early treatment using the discredited treatments hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.”
The Ministry of Health did not provide any studies citing discredited treatments of HCQ and Ivermectin. They simply stated it as if it were a fact. Maybe they are referring to the retracted study by Lancet (Desai et al) in 2020.

Regarding Ivermectin, there is a huge number of studies but again, since they did not provide any citations, my suggestion is for the experts at Ministry of Health to look at the 103 studies sourced below.

Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis occurring after vaccination is less likely than after a COVID-19 infection.
This statement is untrue. Just a few weeks ago, an Oxford study released in preprint highlighted the development of myocarditis post-mRNA vaccination in children. More than 820,000 children were studied. In fact, in this observational study, not a single unvaccinated child developed myocarditis. Moreover, no child died, serving as another reminder that children can handle COVID well without experimental gene therapy.

On top of that, a recently published forensic study discovered that Pfizer concealed cardiac deaths in the vaccinated group of their report. If this information had not been hidden, the world would have been informed about a 3.7-fold increase in cardiac deaths among the vaccinated.

We note that viruses naturally mutate as they replicate, and there is no evidence that the mRNA vaccines contribute to this.
This is in response to Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s opinion that the mRNA vaccines are causing Vaccine Escape Mutants. While it is true that there is no evidence supporting this claim, there is also no evidence disproving it. Considering the uncertainty and the potential harms of the mRNA vaccines, which appear to outweigh the benefits based on the information above, we should apply the precautionary principle and pull the mRNA vaccines off the market. On top of that, Singapore’s own Professor Gabriel Oon, the developer of Hepatitis B vaccines also asserted his views about Vaccine Escape Mutants.

My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon

4 December 2023
My Story - By Professor Gabriel Oon
Dear Readers, today I bring to you a guest post by Professor Gabriel Oon, retired Professor of Medicine who worked as a WHO consultant and founding President of Singapore’s Society of Oncology. Please feel free to share and distribute! -Aussie17
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As a bonus, let’s listen to the opinion Singapore’s own Professor John Tay, a retired Professor of Medicine from the National University of Singapore (1985 - 1995) and Head of the Department of Paediatrics (1988 - 1995).

(Dr. Robert Malone) Reported to be spreading falsehoods about vaccines, which have been debunked by US infectious diseases experts, including Prof C Buddy Creech, former President of the Paediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
I am not familiar with the falsehoods that Dr. Malone is spreading about the vaccines, but I have messaged Dr. Malone for a comment, just as an impartial journalist would do. For someone who invented mRNA technology, maybe his opinions matter? I will update if Dr. Malone responds.

The 2021 paper by Dr Rose, A report on myocarditis adverse events in the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in association with COVID-19 injectable biological product has been indicated as “withdrawn at the request of the author(s) and/or editor”.
I am pretty sure Dr. Jessica Rose did not withdraw her paper. It is most likely censorship at work. I have also reached out to Dr. Rose for a response. Come back later!

Dr Aseem Malhotra’s Background Info: A cardiologist who has been reported to promote messages against mRNA vaccines.
This one liner on Dr Malhotra is extremely unfair. Let me rewrite his background in a fairer way.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a prominent UK cardiologist who served as an ambassador for the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, completed a full term as a trustee of the King's Fund, and was a founding member and first Science Director of Action on Sugar, leading the campaign for a sugary drinks tax. Additionally, he was a visiting professor of evidence-based medicine at the Bahiana School of Medicine in Salvador, Brazil, reflecting his extensive contributions to health policy, advocacy, and education both in the UK and internationally.

For those who missed Dr. Malhotra’s testimony in court, given under the threat of perjury (meaning that if he lies, he could go to jail), please see this.

Dr. Aseem Malhotra's Explosive Court Testimony on COVID "Vaccines"(UPDATED)

14 Apr
Dr. Aseem Malhotra's Explosive Court Testimony on COVID Vaccines(UPDATED)
(Updated now with full testimony, both Part 1 and Part 2) Dr. Aseem Malhotra's testimony was delivered in the Helsinki District Court on April 12, 2024, with the understanding that any deviation from the truth would constitute perjury. This is important because for anyone who wants to bring a court case against any institutions with regards to the COVID …
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(Professor Fukushima) Representative Director of the Learning Health Society Institute and Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University; a senior medical oncologist in Japan. He is not an infectious disease expert.
Discrediting Professor Fukushima's views on mRNA vaccines by stating he is not an infectious disease expert is not a valid argument. Although he is an oncologist, Professor Fukushima co-authored a paper that showed increased cancer rates after the third vaccine in Japan. Are we to assume that only infectious disease experts are qualified to comment on cancer-related issues?

Moreover, Professor Fukushima is not the only prominent oncologist raising concerns about this issue.

GLOBAL ALERT: Cancer experts and renowned Oncologists Worldwide Call For Immediate Halt to mRNA Gene Therapy Amid Surge of Hyper-progressive cancer cases

20 May
GLOBAL ALERT: Cancer experts and renowned Oncologists Worldwide Call For Immediate Halt to mRNA Gene Therapy Amid Surge of Hyper-progressive cancer cases
In recent discussions surrounding the surge in aggressive cancer cases, often referred to as "Turbo Cancer," Dr. Maarten Fornerod is joining a growing assembly of oncologists and cancer experts who are raising serious concerns. They point to a troubling correlation between experimental mRNA gene therapy and the increase in these fast-progressing cancers.
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(Prof. Robert Clancy) Reported to be in support of unverified info about claimed benefits of the drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin during the pandemic.
As I have linked to the 103 Ivermectin studies above, let me now link to the largest observational study on hydroxychloroquine. This study found that “…after adjustment for sex, age, period, and patient management, HCQ-AZ was associated with a significantly lower mortality rate.”

"The primary reason why Singapore recorded one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic, is because the majority of Singaporeans took the vaccines," said MOH.
Contrary to claims, Singapore did not record one of the lowest excess death rates in the world during the pandemic. According to Mortality.watch, in Q2 2023, they had the highest excess mortality among the listed countries. Strangely, Singapore later disappeared entirely from the list, for reasons unknown to me. Fortunately, I saved a screenshot as evidence!

This is in regard to Dr James Thorp letter to the Editors of the Human Reproduction journal, which reported significant harms to pregnant women and infants:
…on the fact that a separate systematic review by Rimmer et al (2023) had omitted their manuscript which reported significant harms to pregnant women and infants from COVID-19 vaccination. This manuscript was published in the Journal of the American Physicians and Surgeons, which is the official journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). AAPS is known to publish articles that cast doubts on COVID-19 vaccination risk-benefit and call for suspension of COVID-19 vaccination.
We note that the Rimmer team responded to point out that this said manuscript was based on a simulation model that was constructed using data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database that compares adverse events between COVID-19 and influenza vaccines as opposed to true incidence.
Dr. James Thorp did indeed use a simulation model. However, there is a problem: the statement from Singapore’s Ministry of Health regarding vaccines saving 19.8 million deaths is also based on a simulation. According to the MOH, "In fact, 19.8 million deaths from COVID-19 were prevented globally within the first 12 months that vaccines became available (from December 2020 to December 2021)."

Anyway, let's listen to Professor Dr. Norman Fenton explain the "20 million lives saved" figures.

Anyway, when discussing the harms of COVID-19 to pregnancy, let’s see how the anonymous experts respond to the increasing numbers of stillbirths, perinatal deaths, and the sharply declining birth rates in Singapore. In my opinion, these issues are caused by miscarriages, but unfortunately, this data is not transparent.

BREAKING: Shocking Surge in Stillbirths and Perinatal Deaths Rocks Singapore in 2023!

29 Feb
BREAKING: Shocking Surge in Stillbirths and Perinatal Deaths Rocks Singapore in 2023!
Singapore, the illustrious city-state renowned for its prosperity, discipline, exemplary data collection and a very compliant population that went full retard with regard to the DNA-contaminated Pfizer mRNA gene therapy, has recently unveiled its full-year
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Signing off for now

P.S. Here are two more articles I wrote. The first one debunks a study conducted by a Singaporean university, which claims that unvaccinated individuals face a higher risk of COVID-19. The second one debunks the statements made by Professor Gabriel Oon.

Exposing Singapore's Propaganda Piece!

16 October 2023
Exposing Singapore's Propaganda Piece!
Let’s call out Singapore’s propaganda hit piece. Singapore's Channel News Asia recently ran a propaganda piece which featured a government-sponsored study showing that unvaccinated individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 face a higher risk of heart complications.
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Exposing the Half-Truths: A Bold Rebuttal to Singapore's MSM Propaganda Piece

9 December 2023
Exposing the Half-Truths: A Bold Rebuttal to Singapore's MSM Propaganda Piece
An article appeared on the front page of The Straits Times today, Singapore's largest publicly funded mainstream newspaper. My apologies for the image; it looks as if the paper was taken out of a garbage bin, where it rightfully belonged. The article was penned by Salma Khalik, the Senior Health Correspondent for The Straits Times, and it highlights that…
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If the narrative (they portray) is covid vaccine reduces serious infections to cold symptoms, then no way you can argue especially when the sheeple don’t even understand what cold symptoms were in the first place. To the sheeple, they will really believe the vaccine did prevented them from getting serious infections, therefore they ended up getting cold symptoms only.


But it cause a lot of other issue down the road. Though he says that it reduce the covid to cold syndrome


"...the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse."



"...the risks from getting an infection if unvaccinated is far worse."

Cold symptoms cannot be transmitted from one person to another. If it can, whole world will be down with flu and cough way before Covid. This is what the sheeple don’t realize


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ministry of Pfizer. Probably gave the green light for Pfizer to do its propaganda roadshow at Suntec earlier this year. :wink:

Protecting what matters, for the future of us​

01 Mar 2024
Pfizer Singapore’s experiential exhibition pays tribute to the nation’s journey through the COVID-19 pandemic and unites Singaporeans in pledging to build a healthier future.
Brought to you by Pfizer.