My sense is the Japs will never accept FTs into their country the way we did. They want to keep Jap society pure and homogenous, a characteristic that has enabled them to recover so fast after WW2. A trait that Old Man even conceded some years ago when he tried to explain why Korea, Japan and Taiwan were miles ahead in Asia. Now Old Fark has changed tack so that he can jusitify what he has done with Singapore.
If ever Japan opens its doors to FTs they will make sure these Fts fit into lower rungs of their social and job ladders, and never integrated into the mainstream.
For a start, even Sinkies going to Japan to enjoy their KTVs and massage parlours have found out that there are KTVs and parlours for locals and there are for foreigners, and even other Asian stocks like Sinkies and Chinese and Taiwanese are treated as foreigners.
No matter what you say, the composition of Japs is anything but pure and homogeneous. They consist mainly of escapees from the Chinese court of Emperor Qin mixed with some wanderers from Korea and they live alongside the native Ainu peoples and the Okinawan islanders that they despise as "not looking Japanese". They are strong because this majority mixed group is elitist and they are united.
But these values, where are they taking them now? I respect their emphasis on quality in whatever they make, but the reality is, Japs are human beings like us Chinese and everyone else, and under an economic situation of fiscal scarcity almost all of them like everyone else would actually prefer to buy something that is of a lower cost or made elsewhere even if its quality is also significantly lowered. This is why MacDonald's enjoyed far greater overall sales than their homegrown MOS Burger in their native Japan.
The Japanese miracle has ended, and their old ways don't work anymore today whether people can accept it or not. They have to enter a greater acceptance of foreigners, and starting lower the bar of their traditional discrimination in order to get ahead. Also, Taiwan is now in trouble, and is starting to depend on doing business with China in order to survive. The renegade province cannot exist on its on anymore, never mind that their water supply comes from the mainland in the first place.
The octogenarian could never create a "pure and homogeneous society" because the Chinese majority in comparison, even in such a small island city unlike China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, are not united and are not proud of themselves. They mostly prefer to ape the trends of Japan and the West, and they worship money over all else, even their own culture. These are the greatest failings of all. Also, this "pure and homogeneous" BS is a very sensitive thing for him to try pulling off fully because Singapore is in the heart of Southeast Asia and is surrounded by Muslim nations unlike Japan that is surrounded only by the sea, which means that unlike Japan Singapore despite its similarly autonomous advanced nation status cannot leave out or overlook the natives and the other races in the name of progress and hope to be understood and accepted by everyone else for it.