I would like to see the link of the original article.
I would like to see the link of the original article.
Dear Scroobal
His observation of the beast is correct, his conclusions and justifications biased and off. I can name any number of cities in both the US and UK where there has been political see sawing between democrats and republicans and in the UK between liberals, conservatives and the labor party.
The political beast in Singapore is more that of a city stripping out all the valid issues which you have raised and the opposition forgets it at its peril.
Local issues matter, competence in governing your estate matters. In a city versus a rural area, that difference is clear.
Issues which concern cities are issues which usually do not concern rural voters, the split in the UK over Fox hunting comes to mine.
Conservatism versus liberalism, In the US rural areas are more conservative think red neck whereas cities more liberal and tolerant. Singapore is interesting in that respect why are we not more liberal on issues non political , gay rights, workers rights ?
Organization, and campaigning. Again very different in nature with rural voters more dependent on seeing the candidates away from traditional media settings and events. Singapore interestingly enough requires a mix of the two.
can he be charged for treason for saying spore is a city but not a country?
pls help em by directing them to proper care