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Millionaire Minister Chee Hong Tat praised himself and giving many reasons to himself why we had oil spill disaster

Scrooball (clone)


Over 180 Malaysia fishermen hit by Singapore oil spill; losses estimated at RM480,000​

A clean-up of Johor’s coast is ongoing; fishermen say their gear has been damaged and will take time to replace

Tan Ai Leng

Published Mon, Jun 24, 2024 · 05:56 PM

[KUALA LUMPUR] The recent oil spill in Singapore has hit the livelihoods of more than 180 fishermen in Pengerang in Johor, with estimated losses amounting to around RM480,000 (S$137,960), said Johor’s health and environment committee chairman, Ling Tian Soon.
When contacted by The Business Times, he said the cleaning works are progressing well, and that the appointed contractors, with staff from the state authorities, have managed to remove 30 tonnes of the spill, but small slicks remain visible.
“The overall condition of the waters has improved, and it’s safe for the fishermen to resume their operations,” he added.

Scrooball (clone)

The recent oil spill in Singapore has hit the livelihoods of more than 180 fishermen in Pengerang in Johor, with estimated losses amounting to around RM480,000 (S$137,960), said Johor’s health and environment committee chairman, Ling Tian Soon.
When contacted by The Business Times, he said the cleaning works are progressing well, and that the appointed contractors, with staff from the state authorities, have managed to remove 30 tonnes of the spill, but small slicks remain visible.
lol Malaysian govt had to remove 30 tonnes of spill after the Sg govt had supposedly taken care of business. Well well… so who’s lying this time?

Scrooball (clone)

It was with a reporter who interviewed him after the issue of porn and websites was brought up in Parliament.
Ok but i am really genuiniely interested to see whether somehow there is a realiable source that provides the context as to how this topic of his personal lifestyle emerged.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Ok but i am really genuiniely interested to see whether somehow there is a realiable source that provides the context as to how this topic of his personal lifestyle emerged.

The nicknames the Ministers earned are all based upon cold hard statements they made in the course of their ministerial duties. All that is needed is to track down the event that generated an eternal soundbite.

eg Hairdo Lim, Bargain Hen, Cotton Chan etc.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The nicknames the Ministers earned are all based upon cold hard statements they made in the course of their ministerial duties. All that is needed is to track down the event that generated an eternal soundbite.

eg Hairdo Lim, Bargain Hen, Cotton Chan etc.

Small Space Jo.


This is just an oil spill….imagine a bigger problem eg tsunami or earthquake, these $m fuckers will run like headless chicken


Cantonese 达哥
