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MILF Alert!!!


I can't find her real-life name in the above article, but if it's "Chua Xin Yu, Kyra", according to:

then looks like she:
1. was probably born in 1991 (and is 31 years old this year),
2. enrolled in NUS in 2010 before graduating in 2014 with an Honours degree in "Life Sciences",
3. worked for DBS until 2018 and her final job title seems to have been "DBS Treasures Relationship Manager".

And finally, her son was born in 2019 (so he's 3 years old this year), according to:
and because she seems to be a full-time housewife and mother and because the beauty of her face is also obviously/clearly/well above average, I'm guessing her husband is probably an upper-middle class man (i.e. his basic monthly salary should be at least S$10,000 or even S$20,000), but I'm not sure if he is a Sinkie. :unsure:
Wow....she works in a bank, sure got lotsof black cocks to suck...